Chapter 32.

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My hands struggle to grip the brass door knob. Once I open the door, there stands Andrea, still thinking that our hope is still alive.

"Can you ever just leave me the hell alone?" I roll my eyes.

"Look, can we just go on a walk for a bit?" She asks.

I walk back into my room and inform Vivian that I'll be gone for a little.

Then, I head out the door with Andrea, something I thought I would never do ever again.

We start walking down the street and I shove my hands in to my pockets, waiting for Andrea to say something but she eventually does.

"Luke, I can't explain how much I really miss you. Can you just understand that?"

"Okay, first of all, how? And why?" I kick a rock and it rolls down the street.

"Because I love you. Don't you remember how many memories we created?"

*"No, Luke, I got it. I'm the woman remember?"

"Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I can't cook." I tell Andrea, swiping the pan out of her hands.

"But, seriously I got it." She rolls her eyes.

"No, you've done enough. Let me, please." I persuade.

"I can't let you." She laughs.

"Don't make me get the eggs." I warn and smile.

"Bullshit. Theirs now way that you would."

I run to the fridge and pull out the eggs and take two out. I walk back over to Andrea and hold one over her head.

"You wouldn't." She says, eyeing me.

"But I would."

I crack the egg open and the yolk falls all over her shiny hair. Her mouth remains open as I laugh my ass off.

Suddenly, Andrea reaches behind her and pulls out a bag of flour.

She reaches in, pulls out a handful and throws it at me.

Flour in my eyes, in my mouth and everywhere else.

I crack another egg on her and she throws several handfuls of flour on me until I take the bag and dump it on her.

"I can't believe you!" She laughs, trying to wipe off as much flower off her as she can.

I grab her waist and pull her close to me before pressing my lips on to hers.*

"Okay, so maybe I do remember those memories, but I still have moved on." I confront.

"so what you're saying is that you've already found someone that can give you amazing memories?" She challenges.


"And someone that can put up with you?"


"But can she do this?" Andrea stops walking and takes my hands. She pulls me towards her before pressing her lips on to mine. All my feelings and nerves race around my body.

I pull away from her and immediately run. I keep running and never stop. I run by past my house and stop at the park. I climb on to the monkey bars and just sit at the top, my breathing uncontrollable.

I can't believe she just did that! My heart feels like its going to beat out of my chest and my breathing gets worst by the second.

Sitting back on my hands, I try to calm down. I hope Andrea doesn't come and find me. I can't do this. All my feelings for her has come back. I need Vivian right now. There's no one that can take me out of this but her.

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