naughty girl(2)

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                                                                   tw: spanking, bondage, biting, etc

Amity and Luz just finished watching arcane,
Luz was crying in Amity's arms and Amity was holding back tears.
"THAT WAS SO SAD.... WHY.... WHYYYYY." Luz said sobbing.
"i know Luz, but we have to hold it together. we aren't crying because of some show."
"but we aarrreeee."
"i know" Amity said letting a tear fall to the ground.

Amity stood up,
"what are you doing?" Luz asks
Amity sighs "now that we've finished arcane, we can go do what i wanted to do."
Luz groans and stands up too "but i'm tired~"
"no you're not, you're just lazy. now come on, put something on and let's go"
"ughhhh, man"

Luz puts on oversized knee shorts and a oversized t-shirt,
Amity puts capri pants and a cute crop top with a oversized jacket.

"alright, you ready?" Amity asks Luz.
"of course" Luz answers.
Luz and Amity walk out of the door as they talk and laugh.
after about 10 minutes they arrive at the market,
Amity stops walking and stares,
"t-that's a lot of people, isn't it?" Amity says with her voice cracking a little.
"don't worry, it'll be alright. i'm with you." Luz tells Amity rubbing her hand slightly.

they walk towards the market and although Luz wants to go to the potion shop,
Amity pulls her to the clothing stores.
as Amity looks at the clothing one by one,
Luz just looks at the big Good witch Azura hoodie.
"Amity" Luz says still staring at the hoodie.
"you see that?"
"see wha-... how much does it cost?"
"15 snails"
"lets buy it"

(time skip)

Luz and Amity arrive back at the owl house with 2 bags full of clothes, most of it was Amity's.
the only thing Luz bought the the Good witch Azura hoodie and oversized jeans.
as soon as they take their shoes of, they run to Luz's room and lay everything down.

"you know, Luz? i think it would be better if i leave my stuff here" Amity tells Luz.
"why is that?"
"well, i come here way more often, and my parents make me wear dumb crap all the time,
so i can sneak here in the morning and put the clothes on that i like."
"oh, alright. your parents make you wear thinks you don't like?"
"yeah, they're assholes"
"i mean i knew that much, but damn... you can't even wear your own clothes."

"by the way... Luz?"
"so, the thing is... i got some stuff while you were playing with the kids at the playground."
"what is it?"
"well" Amity puts her hands in the back and takes out,
tape, a blindfold, a gag, and a dildo.    :o

Luz stares at Amity with wide eyes, blushing.
"so... i was wondering if you'd wanna try this out." Amity says smirking.
"o-oh, of course. but... who's gonna-" Luz gets cut off.
"you're gonna tape me, and use me however you want."
"i-i am?"
"yes you are."
"alright" Luz says taking a deep breath.

Amity and Luz take off their clothes,
then Luz grabs the tape and tapes Amity's hands behind her back, she tilts her over a table.
she walks over to the door and locks it (of course) and then walks back to Amity.
"alright, time to get into character." she says as she breathes in.
not many people knew this but Luz always liked acting,
but this didn't require that much since it's something Luz has always wanted to do.

(for if you skipped the beginning)

Luz has Amity bend over the table with tape on her wrists, chin and breasts rubbing into the table harshly,
Luz spanks Amity once and Amity shrieks.
"Are you gonna be a good girl~" Luz says with a smirk
"Y-yes" Amity responds
Luz spanks Amity again and Amity flinches.
"Yes, what?"
"Y-yes master"
Luz slowed runs her cold hand on Amity's back, Amity shivers at the touch.
"Please m-master, stop teasing." Amity begged
Luz bit the back of Amity's neck, Amity moaned.
"So your giving me orders?"

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