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okay soooo, not a chapter, buuuuutt i just started writing the next one so it's coming, anyways...
i already said this before, but if you want more fanfiction, just check out my archiveofourown account.
my username is: c4rm3n_666_C

okay this isn't relevant but i thought it was funny, so i think that the user "lumitzy" and the user "vecnussymwah" are the same person, the reason why i think this is because not only did they both harass me for the same thing but vecnussymwah follows lumitzy, in fact, they're the only person that follows lumitzy, which is kind of suspicious.
and also, many of the fics they have saved are the same, and most of the ships they ship are the same.
now i don't know this for sure but i think they are the same person lol.

thought this was kind of funny, if they are the same person, they're pathetic.
if they're not the same person, they're still pathetic.

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