Guarding Stella

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Credit to Renowned Wolf for helping me with this chapter.

Scene opens on Loona at her desk drinking Soda with a bored expression due the rest of IMP being on a mission. The phone on her desk suddenly rings. She answers with a disinterested tone of voice.

Loona: Hello, IMP. Who do you need killed? (drinks her soda)

Stella: This is Stella of the Ars Goetia-

Loona spit takes.

Stella: I would like to hire a bodyguard.

Loona: (catching her breath) Uh, of course your highness.

Stella: Is Y/N available? I will accept no one else.

Loona: (concerned) Uhhhhh...

Y/N: (text) Just got done. Could you open the portal pls?

Loona swallows nervously and obliges.

Loona: One second your highness, he just walked in.

Blitzo: Woo!

Moxxie: The Headmaster and orderlies of that foster home were MESSED UP.

You walk in on all fours with Millie riding on your back and a severed head in-between your teeth, which you crush between your jaws.

Y/N: The kids cheered when I ripped this pedo's head off.

Millie: Only best friends, (to Y/N) and lovers, execute pedophiles together! (Kisses your cheek)

Loona: Uh, Y/N. You should take this. It's important.

She goes to hand you the phone only to be intercepted by Blitzo

Blitzo: Hey! I'm the boss here. I'll talk to them.

Before he can say anything, you twist his arm with an annoyed expression before grabbing the phone from him. 

Y/N: Hello, Y/N speaking.

Stella: Ah, Y/N. It's Stella.

Y/N: How can I be of service my lady?

Stella: I need you and only you to be my bodyguard tomorrow. I have to meet with other nobles for official business. Seeing as my Imp cock obsessed husband is too much of a fool, I'll be taking care of it. We'll be meeting in the afternoon, going to a show, and finishing with dinner. Does this sound reasonable?

Y/N: Of course, my lady. I'll be there early in my best suit. 

Stella: Excellent. And of course, you'll be paid handsomely. That's one thing I've always liked about you and your father, you're both professional and efficient. I'll see you tomorrow at noon.

Y/N: Yes, my lady. See you then.

The two of you hang up.

Millie: (concerned) What is it, Sugar?

Y/N: Octavia's mother wants me to bodyguard her tomorrow.

Moxxie, Millie, and Loona look at each other with concern in their eyes.

Blitzo: Alright! Big payday for us!

Loona: She only wants Y/N.

Blitzo: What kinda bullshit is that?!

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