Chapter 16

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"I accept"

Aricia's POV:

My words seemed to have shocked everyone. No one said anything.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Professor Dovey look at me in worry.

Beatrix smiled at Tedros, and clinging to him said, "Your so smart Tedros. Killing witches, look at you, already doing so many good deeds. You will make a fabulous king someday, and a fabulous king needs a fabulous queen." She smiled up at him.

I almost gagged. I half expected Tedros to fall on one knee and propose to her right there, but he didn't. He stood straighter looking very uncomfortable.
I rolled my eyes. Even though my life was on the line in a fencing match, I still could not stand princess and prince drama.


Beatrix turned and glared at me, but then a fake perfect princess smile lit her face.

"Oh, you poor witch. You're going to die soon. Wait, what am I saying? You're not a poor innocent girl. Your an evil witch that has probably killed hundreds, and deserves to die!" She turned and looked at the crowd. "who agrees with me?" The crowd cried in agreement.

I felt my blood boil, "And your somebody with a pretty face, but that doesn't mean you have a pretty heart. Maybe I do deserve to die, but that's not your decision. And you're wrong I haven't killed hundreds... I've killed thousands, but not for the reasons you think. You don't even know me, but you dare to judge me. You attack me with your words and insults. You punish me for being different, myself. You try and hurt me with your words. You try and take all my happiness away, and make my life miserable. And you hate me."

I was fuming and red in the face when I
was done. It felt good to let out some of my anger though.

"Somebody has been using the rules," Yuba called from the crowd.

I gave the gnome a small, forced smile.

Beatrix was standing there looking stunned, along with everyone else. I turned towards Tedros.

"I will see you tomorrow evening. Best of luck." With that said, I turned on my heel, and started making my way toward first period: Beautification. I groaned and wished for a quick uneventful class that did not involve makeup, or anything else that was super stupid and princessy. With my luck though, I would be lucky to make it out of there alive.

I needed to survive all my stupid princess classes today. I also needed to practice my fencing skills and maybe work in running a lap or two. Heck, two laps would never be good enough for me. I would probably end up running seven laps at least.

"Stay focused Aricia," I chastised myself.

"Aricia, wait up!"

I turned around slightly shocked to have someone call my name. I mean, I was in Good's castle and everyone basically hated me. I had every right to be a little shocked.

I saw Sophie running towards me, her black uniform standing out against her pale skin, emerald eyes, gold hair, and the blue and pink walls.

I waited for her to catch up to me.

"What?" I asked.

I waited impatiently while she had her hands on her knees breathing heavily. I was very tempted to roll my eyes. She had run basically nothing, and here she was panting like she had ran miles.

Sophie shook her head. "You must forfeit."


Sophie rolled her eyes. "Tedros is King Arthur's son, and the one and only heir to Camelot. He is the one who posses Excalibur, and he is the greatest swordsman in all the land. There is no way you can beat him."

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