Chapter 3 Meeting Sophie

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Third Person POV:

The shadow and herself went right through the people. She gave a yelp of surprise as she went through a middle-aged man. The man looked down at her, but did not appear to see anything.

They went through the house up to a boarded up door that had rusty pieces of wood nailed on it. In Aricia's mind she was thinking that the sharp nails sticking out of the door and wood were probably dangerous. It was a silly thought to have when you were being kidnapped by a shadow and you had just passed right through people.

Just like the people, Aricia and the shadow passed right through the door. The room appeared to be a bedroom.

On the bed sat a beautiful girl in a pink dress with glass slippers. She had curly, rich, lush blonde hair, emerald eyes, radiant skin, and was clutching a suitcase. She also appeared to be the same age as Aricia, twelve.When she saw Aricia and the shadow she gave them a nervous relieved smile, as though she had been waiting for them.

Aricia frowned. It appeared she had been waiting for them, and that she was happy and relieved that they were there. Aricia's frown deepened when the girl spoke. "I knew you would come for me. I even made cookies," she cooed and gave a slight wave of her hand showing that the burnt things she called cookies were by the window.

"I am now ready to go to the School for Good," the girl chirped happily. Aricia stopped breathing. The School for Good and Evil. The school where there were princess, princes, witches, and wizards. The school where fairy tales were made.

The school once ruled by twin brothers. One Evil One Good. They brought balance to the schools and the world. Sometimes Good won and sometimes Evil won. But then the Evil brother wanted ulitimate power. Even though he cared for his brother, his thirst for power was great. It was his fault that the Great War was started, that so many people lost their lives, that Good now always won, and that Evers and Nevers had more reasons to hate each other. In the final battle, one brother rose victoriously covered in golden robes with a golden mask. No one was able to identify if he was the Good brother or the Evil brother. Everyone thought he was Good, because after the Great War only Good won in fairytales and school trials, but Aricia knew the truth.

Aricia could not go there. If the School Master found out of her heritage she would be given a horrible punishment or be used as bait. She tried thrashing, but could not break free. The blonde haired girl gave her a curious stare.

"Humph, how rude. You are definitely Evil," the girl sneered at her. Aricia's mouth hung open in shock. She was being rude by trying to ESCAPE HER KIDNAPPER? And no one had ever called her Evil. She thought about any reason the girl might have called her Evil and came up with none, except the fact that she liked playing tricks on her older brother, which was not a crime to play little tricks on a brother last time she checked, and he did the same and they were in good nature.

The shadow swung the girl lightly over his shoulder. This left them both face to face. The shadow and them then left the house with no one seeing them. As they left the girl said quietly, "Goodbye, Father. I'm off to be a pretty princess and find my prince."

The girl then gave Aricia a small smile. "Hi, I'm Sophie. I'll try to be nice to you, because the Good are nice to the Evil. Like Cinderella for a while she was all nice to her stepmother and stepsisters and did what she was told and then she found her prince," Sophie sighed. "Good things for the Good."

Aricia did not think that was exactly true, but instead of saying anything about that she asked, "May I ask you something?" "YES, of course dearie." Sophie told her sincerely. Aricia gulped. This girl was to... perfect to be true. "Why do you think I'm Evil?"

Cliffhanger. YEAY!!! So, what do you guys think? What do you think of Sophie? What do you think of Aricia? Have you ever been announced for something in front of the entire school and then it backfired? Post it in the comments. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!

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