Kids, Who do they think they are

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                                                                                 Chapter Six

   When I get to school I don't really care about the people I see. I'm not paying attention to my surroundings like I usually do, but it's not my fault all I can think about is Josh being like Dallas and Dominic. Could he really be a Dick head like them, was him being nice to me an act or what? I'm already starting to hate him ever since I met his friends.

   I was still thinking of it when I was getting to my last class till someone tripped me. I heard laughter everywhere, I turned around to face my attacker and jumped on him punching him in the face and the gut until I realized multiple people taking me off him. I turn around and see six football players. "A teacher walks by and says is everything okay," the guys cover Dallas with their ginormous selfs and say "Yes Mr. Hernades." She then says "get to class then boys and you to." Pointing to me, then she walks off. The guys turn around and stare at me again, and I glare back minisingly. One tries to lift me up but can't and I laugh, "You won't get away with this." Dallas is now standing up and they all walk away. Dallas holding his stomach like someone just cut all his organs out.

   Who do those football players think they are? You can tell word gets around here fast because all of the "girly girls" turn around and look at me with glaring eyes that are weak. Some of the cool kids and the unpopular kids give me a smile (mostly the guys, of course why wouldn't I be surprised at that) some mouth thanks some just give me a thumbs up. I hide my blush because I do not want all this attention in every class. I was only supposed to be here for Josh, no one else.

   Natalie the teacher says my name. I don't know how many times but I just say "hmm," she says "What is 2(x-3)=4x-1 equal?" I think for about five seconds and say "Negative 5/2." She had to think for a few seconds too, ha she should know the answer before she asks the question. "Very good, but I would like to speak to you when class is over." Everyone, especially the girly girls are like "OHHHH someones in trouble!" BICHES why does she want to speak with me?

Sorry it took me so long I had to study for exams, but trust me y'all when it's Christmas break I'll go faster with a chapter maybe three a week. Well thanks for reading, stay tuned I guisse.

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