The Dream That Repeats

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                                                                                                   Chapter Fifteen 

I lay in Breas guest bed pretty comfortable, I wonder what she does, and why she helps Natalie. Like did she save her sibling, related somehow? I wonder who shot me, these walls are pretty easy to hear through and I wanted to walk out and say I know you didn't shoot me, but no I had to drop the dang plant. I wonder where my phone is and for that matter how Natalie found out my password. I'm an idiot I shouldn't have been drunk and especially on a train I think it was worth it though because I know some things about Natalie like how my grandpa took care of her and that when she turned 16 everyone she is friends with and knows will stay the same age.

I get out of bed and slowly walk to the door, I open it a little and no sound comes out then I open the door all the way but still it is silent. Now Brea knows how to take care of a house. I go to the kitchen and hear shuffling in it, I slowly look over the corner and see it's a border collie, "What's your name little fella?" I look at the coller and read Parker. I pet him for a little while and look up and out of Breas glass door and see a figure sitting on the edge of the porch fence. I slide the glass door open making sure Parker is silent and doesn't go out the door, then slowly close it.

"I wondered when you were gonna get tired of lying and take a walk," She pauses then says "Ya now Brea is gonna make a big deal if she wakes up and finds you gone."

"I could say the same to you too." I say

Natalie makes a funny sound "I'm not the one who's hurt. Plus I can't sleep, I can't."

"And why is tha?"

"Casue if I do sleep... I- I dream of- I dream of a fuzzy movie, well it's like a movie but It's blurry and you can see... you can see reddish brown eyes but their more red than brown like really red. Then you can hear a faint voice of a little girl about 8 years old she's saying... she's saying." She pauses like she can't say the rest like it actually happened to her, she tries to choke out the next word but she can't. She doesn't cry either; she just sits there and stairs at the ground. I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder to say it's okay, but I don't cause when she stares at me it's like you can see what was going through her head you could see the dream, her anger, and the fuzzy dream. The one with the main focus is on the red eyes, then it vanishes as quick as it came. "I'm gonna go for a walk, wanna come." She says hesitantly and I now instantly that she wants to be alone to process her thoughts. "No, I'm gonna try to sleep to get my mind off of my stomach pain." At that she jumps off the porch fence, opens that gate and walks out.

SORRY IT TOOK ME SO long I have so much homework to do, dang school is so HARRD anywho I'm going camping this week so I'll try to write another chapter before I go. ANYWHO comment and have a great day or night. :D

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