Check In

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                                                                                   Chapter Fourteen

   When I rush into the room I see Anthony taking out his phone and I make a dive for it, and take it out of his hands. Then I notice that there is a vase that is shattered on the ground hmm.. Must have been that, that fell. "Hey, give that back!" Then he stood up but started to fall, Brea caught him in time before he hit the ground and she set him on the table again. "Why do you want your phone I say? To call your boss and tell him where you are? I don't think so." Brea goes out of the room and says she is going to get something real quick for Anthony. "I was going to tell them to stand down." I glare at him cautiously to see if there are any clues if he's telling the truth or what not, "Stand down for what?" Seconds pass like minutes ticking off then realization goes around my whole face "BREA!! We gotta get out of here!... and quick to." Brea then comes in and says "I have to put this in Anthony so he can stand up it will help him move." She goes to Anthony but I block her path and say "They wheir tracking him on his phone, I was dum enough to forget to touse it out before we got out of the station." "They would still be looking for me cause we have to give them an update every hour." I unlock Anthony's phone and go to text to say 'Its all good' like he says in all his other check ins, then I'm about to turn off his phone when another text from a different person pops up, 'Did you find Natalie? Is she okay, can you ask her if she can forgive me' well I'll be it's Josh oh boy you're far from being forgiven I mean far. "Wheir good at my house, there are no cameras or recordings near my place."

   We stand there for a second Anthony and Brea looking at me then at each other, where I just glare at the phone as if Josh is the phone... I wish. "Natalie?" They says in unasin "Yea." Brea says "Why are you glaring at the phone as if it was a person?" "Cause knucklehead two has knucklehead one phone number." Anthony know budding into the conversation "What did Josh say?" He says turning pale, hmm should I tell him. "Well knucklehead he wants to know some classified stuff which we ain't going to be texting him, Brea will hold your phone if you want to text someone back she will do it for you." I give Brea the phone and tell her the password. "Can I ask ya something?" "It depends on what it is, knucklehead two." "How did you know my password?" I walk out of the door and freeze, then say "A magician never reveals their secrets, why should I... we should get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."

Sorry y'all I'm bad at this updating thing everyday. I have sooooooo much homework who knew you got more homework the older you get, especially if you don't finish your work in class. Any who I know my book is bad so thanks for reading! "D

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