Part 7

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By Seth Campbell

Part Seven

After the verdict and the handshakes and hugs that follow these kinds of things, I went back home and reunited with Adrian and Clement. Since the trial was over, they were free to go, but they elected to stay for dinner.

Over the next few days, I slowly learned what had gone on inside the chamber. It turned out that Calvin wasn't my biggest supporter, Martin was. Also, it seemed that the Knights of Othal accepted defeat and went underground, good riddance.

Slowly over the next month, things started to calm down. I was finally able to go out in public without getting pelted by rotten vegetables. Eventually it calmed down enough that the Academy asked me to return, but this time as a professor. I said yes.

So, only a month after being a free man, (or furry purple demon, take your pick) I had landed a job teaching what I loved: Magic. Of course, I wasn't teaching people how to turn themselves into something else. Instead, the administration realized that by doing that I had made numerous breakthroughs in healing and fostering life.

My classes were primarily of healing and bio magic; I had the most fun teaching how to make crops withstand freezing temperatures and pests. I also taught how to reverse disfigurations (only the ones that caused damage) and some really complex healing.

Ever since my trial, I had become even more content with my life. I never doubted my decisions, not even for a second. My solidarity eventually got me involved in a little bit of politics on the side. But I made sure to keep it to a healthy bare minimum.

With the politics and the innovation, I still preferred teaching. My students were always wonderful. I always made sure to keep my lessons poignant and I ended them all with a simple message:

"The change of one's self is the path of enlightenment."

Cecil Meyers set off a chain of events that would be called "The Great Awakening". He would continue to be a major political voice; through two revolutions and two republics.

Cecil was beaten to death by a mob during The Great Panic of AR 110. He was sixty-six. A year later; Marcus Rose, the first Prime Minister of the Third Republic, would declare the date of his trial to be a national holiday.

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