Chapter 5 | The Classroom

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Letes gently led Talibah back out of the classroom after her distraught friend had calmed down a bit. She told the students to continue working as she took Talibah somewhere more private. It was just a few minutes walk to the coast, and so the two friends perched atop a warm, rocky outcrop overlooking the sea and in the shadow of the great lighthouse.

"When you're ready, I'm here to listen." Letes said.

Some time later, after Talibah told her what had been decided at the scholar's council meeting, Letes laid back on the rough rocks next to Talibah, who was staring at her hands that were now pock-marked from leaning on them.

I can't believe they kicked them out... Aristarchus can't even step foot in the Library anymore, let alone Tali. To just deprive them of their lifelong home like that... I can't imagine what Tali is feeling. What will Aristarchus do for a living? Where will Tali live..? Oh! She can live with me!

After Letes said as much to Talibah, Talibah inhaled deeply, as if to take in the calmness of the sea below, and answered, "I would love to live with you, Letes, but my father and I have already arranged to live with Nailah for the time being. She lives near the city-center, and my father hopes to find some private tutoring roles for some of the wealthier Alexandrians there. I secretly think he wants to live with her just to have an ear in the Library, though I'm sure Max will tell him what's going on, since he's still there."

The two laid on the warm rocks in silence for a while after that, both consumed by worried and angry thoughts, yet content just being with each other. Letes periodically glanced over at Talibah, still quite concerned for her friend.

Letes couldn't help but notice how golden Talibah looked in the sunlight. With the sound of the waves lapping against the rocks below and the light sea breeze running through Talibah's hair splayed over the rocks, Letes found herself entranced. Talibah was breathing deeply, as if intentionally calming herself, her eyes squeezed shut with lashes splayed against her sun-warmed, pink cheeks.

Once, when Talibah noticed Letes staring at her, she asked, "What?" To which Letes merely gave an embarrassed smile and shook her head, turning her eyes back to the cloudless sky.

Once the sun began to set, they stood up on stiff legs and walked hand in hand back into the city, dodging rowdy kids playing with a ball and impatient merchants setting up their food stalls for the evening. Above the chaos of Alexandria, the sky filled with glorious purples and pinks as the sun sunk below the lip of the world.

On their way back, Talibah finally breached the subject Letes had been quite nervous about.

"So, where did all those kids come from?" She asked Letes with raised eyebrows.

"Well," Letes answered hesitantly, "One day, a little girl just showed up... I mean—she was in the classroom when I got there. I don't know how she found it. Gaia is her name. Then she, uhm, brought others along with her after that. I didn't know what to do, because I know the classroom is supposed to be a secret—but I couldn't just turn them away!"

Letes bit her lip anxiously and glanced sideways at Talibah as they walked, hands intertwined.

To her surprise, Talibah started laughing and nudged Letes affectionately with her elbow.

"That's amazing, Letes! I don't know why we didn't think about expanding the classroom earlier!"

Letes just laughed with her and gripped Talibah's hand tighter as they navigated the winding city streets crowded with people heading home for the day or out for the night.

Letes was immensely relieved, not only because Talibah was okay with the turn of events in the classroom, but that her best friend could still laugh given what had just happened to her.

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