Capítulo 14: Shows

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Terminamos de comer y seguimos charlando de los que nos pasó en la vida, y dió la casualidad de que nos hicimos amigos en la primaria. Algún día les contaremos esa historia.

- ¿Quieres postre, Zaynie?

- Un helado estaría bien. - Asentí y pedí dos helados vía por la tablet.

De la nada dejamos de escuchar a la banda sonora del restaurante y escuchamos a alguien hablando desde un micrófono.

- Muy buenas noches damas y caballeros, hoy con ustedes, ¡Ed Sheeran! - Todos aplaudieron.

- Hola a todos, espero que estén teniendo una linda noche, hoy voy les voy a cantar Shivers. - Zayn pegó un grito poco masculino.

Y empezó a cantarme, claramente este quería darme un significado, yo conozco la canción, porque fuí el primero en escucharla, Ed era uno de mis mejores amigos.

I took an arrow to the heart
I never kissed a mouth that tastes like yours
Strawberries and a somethin' more
Ooh, yeah, I want it all
Lipstick on my guitar
Fill up the engine, we can drive real far
Go dancin' underneath the stars
Ooh, yeah, I want it all
Mmm, you got me feelin' like

- ¡Es mi canción favorita! ¿Podemos ir a bailar? - Habló Zayn con entusiasmo, no me dejó ni contestarle y ya estábamos en la pista de baile.

I wanna be that guy, I wanna kiss your eyes
I wanna drink that smile, I wanna feel like I'm like my soul's on fire, I wanna stay up all day and all night
Yeah, you got me singin' like

Zayn me cantó esa parte como si yo fuera lo más preciado de su vida.

Ooh, I love it when you do it like that
And when you're close up, give me the shivers
Oh, baby, you wanna dance 'til the sunlight cracks
And when they say the party's over, then we'll bring it right back
And we'll say, "Ooh, I love it when you do it like that"
And when you're close up, give me the shivers
Oh, baby, you wanna dance 'til the sunlight cracks
And when they say the party's over, then we'll bring it right back

Into the car
On the backseat in the moonlit dark
Wrap me up between your legs and arms
Ooh, I can't get enough
You know you could tear me apart
Put me back together and take my heart
I never thought that I could love this hard
Ooh, I can't get enough
Mmm, you got me feelin' like

I wanna be that guy, I wanna kiss your eyes
I wanna drink that smile, I wanna feel like I'm like my soul's on fire, I wanna stay up all day and all night
Yeah, you got me singin' like

Realmente podía ver a Zayn muy feliz y eso me tenía muy enamorado.

Ooh, I love it when you do it like that
And when you're close up, give me the shivers
Oh, baby, you wanna dance 'til the sunlight cracks
And when they say the party's over, then we'll bring it right back
And we'll say, "Ooh, I love it when you do it like that"
And when you're close up, give me the shivers
Oh, baby, you wanna dance 'til the sunlight cracks
And when they say the party's over, then we'll bring it right back

Baby, you burn so hot, you make me shiver
With the fire you got, this thing we started
I don't want it to stop
You know you make me shiver
Baby, you burn so hot, you make me shiver
With the fire you got, this thing we started
I don't want it to stop
You know you make me shiver
Yeah, you got me singin' like

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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