The Concert

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First things first, setlist:

This is the order of songs they sang at my show:

ON, Fire, Dope, DNA, Blue & Grey, Black Swan, BST, Fake Love, Life Goes On, Boy with Luv, Dynamite, Butter, Airplane Pt. 2, Baepsae, Disease, Telepathy, Stay, So What, I NEED U, Save Me, IDOL, HOME (I know, I lost my shit when I heard the opening of HOME because I did not expect to hear this song), Mikrokosmos, PTD, My Universe.

This setlist, in my opinion, couldn't  have been any better. They really did a great job selecting the songs for both new and old ARMY to vibe to.

To start the show, all of them introduced themselves to the audience and also said hello to ARMY watching the livestream of the show. They seemed so happy but part of me could also tell they were a little sad because of it being the last show.

During each song, ARMY around me was doing every fanchant and you have NO IDEA how happy I was to be a part of the purple ocean. Even with my foam earplugs in, I could hear everyone yelling each fanchant.

I had synced my ARMY Bomb at the hotel before going to the stadium because SoFi barely had any WiFi or phone signal so it's good I didn't get lost or anything. However, those of you who follow me on Instagram and saw me post some videos from the concert may have noticed how I ended up posting those the next morning and that was the main reason why. I recorded them at the concert but couldn't get them to upload even when connecting to SoFi's WiFi.

Jin actually had 2 birthday surprises. I was not able to participate in the first one because I wasn't able to get the paper that had his name on it to hold in front of my ARMY Bomb. But the first birthday surprise was holding up that paper in front of the ARMY bomb to light up his name so he can see it. He was so surprised and looked so happy to see it. All of the members too started teasing Jin a little bit when they saw this.

During each song, I was having the time of  my life, screaming the lyrics  and fanchants and chugging a soda in between breaks while the videos played because I could feel that I might lose my voice by the end of the concert. Thankfully, I didn't  lose my voice but I yelled EXTRA LOUD for any ARMY who was watching online and couldn't  be there in person.

The stadium was so cold that night until I started waving my ARMY Bomb and dancing. The members could tell too because at one point, Namjoon started asking if we were cold and was  making sure we were good. He basically told us that we won't be cold if we jump and dance and he was totally right.

Each and every member gave their all during that concert. I could see how exhausted they were during the breaks in between performances when they would pause to talk to us. The whole time, they were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. They did an incredible job and I've NEVER  seen an artist perform that well during a concert while dancing, jumping around, and singing all at the same time.

One part that made me laugh so hard was when Jimin sat down on the stage and then every member who had a smoke machine fired it at Jimin. Seeing him immediately try to get up and wave the smoke out of his face was the funniest thing ever, especially when seeing how hard it made the other members laugh.

During their ending speeches, I cried. Hearing Hobi say that during every one of these performances, he was hoping that each show wouldn't be the last one made my heart break. He genuinely seemed  terrified that this pandemic would ruin their chances of seeing ARMY in person again.

Namjoon was already crying by the time he started talking and same with Taehyung. Namjoon was telling us how he was scared he was that people wouldn't like them anymore when they came back. He also  mentioned how he was scared that he might be too old for this to be dancing like he's 23/24 when he's not those ages anymore.

Jungkook was very optimistic. One of the first things he said was that this isn't their last show. Hearing him being so optimistic while the other members are so scared really showed me how much he's matured while being in this group. Normally, the other members are always taking care of him because he's the youngest but seeing him being so positive and saying how he knows this isn't their last show really showed how he can also keep the other members positive while they're feeling scared.

Taehyung was so upset that he was going to speak in English but didn't want to after how emotional he got. I love that he did speak in Korean though  because he was able to fully express himself without having to worry about his message translating incorrectly. He was already crying by the time it was his turn. I'm so glad these concerts reminded him how much ARMY loves all 7 of them.

Jimin said we'll meet again and they'll get to see ARMY who were watching online again  soon. I love how optimistic these concerts made Jimin because he mentioned how he doesn't think the wait for the next concert will be long.

Yoongi did his signature hair flip and I LOST IT. Seeing him  doing that with his orange hair made me freak out lol. He said we remained the same to him. I'm glad he feels this way because to ARMY, our love for them never changes. It just grows stronger. It made me sad when he said they performed that night as if it was their last show.

Jin said he felt silly wearing RJ on his head because of his age. He also said he was really surprised with the birthday surprise we gave him. He wasn't sure if he would get anything from us but I'm so glad we were able to give him such a fun surprise for his birthday. During the moon project, he looked like he was ready to cry. He was so touched by it and I'm so happy that the ARMYs who organized it were successful in the project.

Now, for the ARMY Wave. Being a part of that wave was the best experience of my life. Even though the wave is such a small thing (literally just lifting your arm up and putting it down), it felt so touching to know that a little movement like that created such a beautiful wave of light for the members. To me, it represented a light at the end of the tunnel of this pandemic. I'm currently really emotional while writing this because this concert gave me hope for this pandemic to end. It gave me hope for the members to see other ARMY from other countries soon.

While at that concert, all of my worries and stress left. While in the moment of that concert, it was like I was taken to a deserted island with no worries, no stress, no bad things in the world. It felt like I was in some sort of BTS utopia where I didn't have to  think about anything and could just enjoy myself and talk to people who have the same love for these 7 men who create such incredible music for us.

When Chris from Coldplay showed up, everyone already had a feeling that he would be there already. BTS tried surprising us but they gave it away when they brought Megan out on Day 2. We knew there would be a guest but when I tell you the amount of cheers I heard when Chris walked on that stage was insane, it was INSANE. Everyone immediately started singing along and cheering him on while he was interacting with the members.

Hearing them perform My Universe in person was incredible. The fact that that was only their second time performing it together live as well made it even more special. This was also an extra song because from what I saw, the concert usually ended after PTD was performed. I had goosebumps when I saw they were doing that extra song especially with Chris. Coldplay's fans are so respectful of ARMY and Coldplay is so genuinely nice to BTS that you can tell that they're friends outside of just making that one song together. I'm glad BTS is making connections with these artists that we can trust won't use them just to get attention.

Now, onto leaving the concert:

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