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Getting out of the concert was rough. There were so many people trying to get out at once so I ended up stopping to use the bathroom to avoid the crowds.

When I got to my Rally bus, they were parked in the Red Zone parking lot (pretty far back near YouTube Theater). The bus driver waited for everyone to get there so no one on my bus got stranded at the stadium.

The drive back was probably double the amount of time it took to get to SoFi earlier that day.

I left SoFi feeling so happy yet so sad at the same time. This is mainly because the members' speeches were so emotional and you could tell how sad they were about not knowing when their next concert will be.

When I got back to my room, I took some medicine to fall asleep because we didn't get back until around 1AM. So, I ended up taking Tylenol because my legs hurt from standing and I got really cold on the ride back to my hotel.

Overall thoughts: this concert was incredible and honestly I would pay double the amount I initially spent just to see them again. They're such good performers and so genuine and kind towards the audience.

Now, some tips for the next BTS concert when they're able to hold one again:

My First BTS Concert Experience - BTS PTD LAWhere stories live. Discover now