The Bad Ass Issac

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Jackson's POV

School was over fast. I don't even remember eating lunch it was weird. Angel seems like a good person but a bad person at the sametime. She seems nice because she didn't kill the Rouges but then she is a Demon and Demons are suppose to be evil creatures.

I was walking home alone becasue apparently Ryder has pack business to take care of. He said he was a beta which is second in command and the alpha is in charge of the park and guess who that is. It is Kia, Kia is the damn alpha. How can a alpha beat up its on pack. Him and his friends beat up Ryder but I beat them up it was fun.

"Boo" someone said from behind me. I yelped and turned around seeing Angel laughing her head off. "What is wrong with you" I said. "Everything" she responded. I smiled at that she doesn't really care that she is different. "So like are you bad or good because not to be rude but you are a Demon" I asked. "No I am neither I am on which ever side I think is right there never is any side thats good or evil your just fighting for what you belive," she said, "But if you asking if I am going to hurt inoccent people then no I am not going to." "Good" I said.

"So like were you born a Demon" I quizzed. "No nobody is born a Demon even if both the people are demons my family were witches and warlocks and I died but they brought me back a Demon but the bad thing about that is they needed a human sacrafice so they just found a random person who was close to dying and just sacraficed them" she responded. "Thats a bit creepy" I said. She just smiled and stuck her tounge out at me.

"So I have a question do you want to go watch my adopted brother fight" she asked. "Sure but aren't you adopted too" I said. "Yes so this is kinda confusing Issac my adopted brother was adopted by my real family but they died so we ended being adopted by Lucy" she said. "So Issac has been adopted twice" I said. "Yep" she said popping the p.

"Do you think your mate would want to join us" she asked. "He probably would" I said. I grabbed my phone and called Ryder. 

"Hey my lovely mate whats up" he said answering the phone. "I was wondering if you want to hangout with me and Angel and watch her adopted brother Issac fight" I said. "Sure why not" he said I could tell he was hidding his excitment. God he is totally whipped but so am I.

"He is comming" I said. "Ok becaus the fight is starting soon" she said. 




Ryder ended up picking us up and taking us to the fight but apparently Kia the all mighty alpha is fighting to so Kia is fighting Issac. We stopped at a parking lot and got out of the car. 

There was a caged fighing arena where I am gussing they are going to fight in. "You know Kia the alpha of Ryders pack is fighting Issac and he is a alpha so isn't he suppose to be strong" I said. "You beat him up" Ryder said. "But I am a different kind of wolf thats why my wolf was in hidding" I said. "Don't worry Issac will be fine and is a tough wolf" Angel said. "Wait wolf" Ryder said. "Yep wolf he is a werewolf and he is a Rouge" she said. Ryder growled loudly.

"Calm your tits Issac isn't going to hurt your pack he doesn't join anyones pack because his pack was murdered and thats why my parents adopted him and any way your mate is a Rouge to he has no pack either" she sassed. "Thats why I am going to get him to join are pack well if Kia says he can I mean he is the alpha" he said sadly. 

"Hey buddy" Angel said running to a someone. I am guessing the person is Issac and can I just say something he looks gay as fuck. He has light blue hair like cotton candy, a lip ring,  a tattoo of a heart on his neck and in the heart it says pack, and he is smaller then me and I am pretty small. "Issac this is Jackson and Ryder" Angel said introducing us. 

"Hi" Ryder and I said in a unsion. "Please have the fighters inter the ring" a man said into the mic. Issac took off his long shorts he was wearing to revil shorter shorts. He put on boxing gloves they weren't the full boxing gloves they just went to your knuckles. He took of his lip ring and handed it to Angel and ran to the cage and while he was running I looked at his shorts and saw in pink letters it sayed BRING IT on the butt part of the shorts. I giggled and followed Ryder and Angel to the bleachers. 

I saw Kia was already in the ring and Issac just stepped in. As soon as Issac stepped in Kia head snapped up and staired right into Issac's eyes and Issac staired back. They started getting warming up and I was surprised to see myself starting to get excited. 

They are done wraming up and they were ready to fight. They walked to the middle of the ring and bumped fist then the fight started.

Kia swung his fist at Issac but he dodged it. He swung again but Issac dodged that too. Kia ran at Issac, Issac just simpled moved and stuck his leg out and tripped Kia. Issac wasn't even trying. By now Kia was angery you could see how red his face was a mile away. Kia charged again but Issac didn't move this time he just smipled bent his knees and jumped and upper cuted Kia to the face. He stumbled backwards from the impact. 

Kia shacked his head and ran at Issac. Issac turned aorund ran to the cage kicked off the cage and swung his foot around nailing Kia right in the head. Kia was down right away he was out. 

Issac won but he didn't really seem that happy even though he got cash for winning. Angel seemed to notcie it too "Whats wrong with Issac" I asked. "I don't know" she responded. We ran to Issac and he had tears in his eyes. "Whats wrong Issac" Angel asked. 

"I just fought my mate"


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