Birthday Piñata

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A/N: this one is a little violent so fair warning

                 I was swinging above a large quantity of smallish people. I had been tied to a willow tree by a taller individual from the small group surrounding me. I felt free, levitating almost, the only thing holding my body up was a thin rope. The small humans looked up at me with eyes filled with excitement, some were even pointing at me like I was some animal exhibit at the zoo. The shortest of the bunch was a blonde boy with the most adorable baby face imaginable, he wielded a bat.

               The small blonde boy got in front of the crowd and swung at me with a blue bat that was about the same size as him. My cardboard skin was dented slightly, that seems to have been his goal. He wants to crack me open, maybe the whole crowd wants that as well.

              He swung repeatedly until there was a huge hole on my abdomen, candy came spewing out of me like blood. I was no longer the happy-looking piñata, but a damaged one that was going to be thrown into the garbage like trash. After all the candy is taken from me then I will be of no use, I will be forgotten and I will die.

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