Truth Serum

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During lunch, Mr. Ralph, the school's chef, gave me a new type of juice.  He said he had concocted the juice recently and wanted someone's opinion on the mixture, so I accepted.  The juice tasted just fine, almost like strawberries but not quite.  The juice made me unable to lie, this was quite irritating.

I am currently in my fourth-period class, science, which had just started ten minutes ago.  I am zoning out on my teacher's lecture.  I don't care about the organelles in a cell, I have no future plans to become a doctor. 

Suddenly a pair of manicured fingers snaps in front of my face repeatedly.  The science teacher didn't seem to be pleased with my non-existent interest in stupid cells.

"Celine Diaz pay attention!"  She seemed quite irritated, but I honestly did not care at all.

"How about no."  I instantly regretted saying that.  That blasted juice, I thought. 

"Excuse me, young lady, do you want me to give you lunch detention?!"

My fellow classmates were watching the scene unfold closely. This encounter is going to be known by my whole grade by the end of the day.  Word travels fast, too fast.

"I honestly don't care, give me a week's worth of detention while you are at it."  Everything I said was true, I couldn't stop the words from flying out of my mouth.

Some of my classmates laughed, although they tried to hold the laughter in, they didn't want detention.  The teacher didn't seem to pay them any mind; she was too focused on me.  She was staring me down like a lion looking at their prey.

"Fine.  Let's give you your wish, lunch detention for the rest of the week.  If you miss one then you get even more lunch detention.  Are we clear Celine?" 


And with that, she continued her ever so boring lesson that no one in this room but her cares about.

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