Raspberry Vampires

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People have always been entranced by vampires, always writing stories or producing movies about them.  However, none of them came close to the idea that vampires don't survive on any blood at all, not human nor animal.  Vampires were once humans too, they once ate the same human foods that you and I do.  There are different breeds of vampires, each surviving and adapting to survive on a portion of different human food.  All these foods have nothing to do with blood or murder, instead, they are all about desert.

The most common breed of vampire survives on popsicles, specifically chocolate raspberry-flavored ones.  In the movies vampires talk about their preferred blood types to drink, in reality, they discuss their favorite popsicle flavor, which just so happens to be chocolate raspberry. 

Why chocolate raspberry you ask!  Well, no one really knows, especially since we researchers are humans.  I don't have unlimited knowledge about vampires, they like to keep their existence a mystery to the world.  They have done a fabulous job of this until recently, of course, one of them had a minor slip up which led to their discovery.

I even saw one during one of my weekly Boba tea runs.  It Had its fangs stuck in a popsicle stick, I helped the guy obviously, I'm not cruel.  Its fangs retracted once they became unstuck, it made me nauseous just looking at it.  I pretended not to notice that he wasn't human and went on my way, after all, we were in the middle of the public I didn't want to scare the civilians nearby. 

The public would go crazy if they found out vampires existed.  They picture them as monsters since they are portrayed that was in a majority of movies and TV shows.  What they don't know is that vampires are hardly harmful and won't try to eat you.  We'll have to just keep this discovery a secret from the public for a while, at least until they become less frightened of the possibility.

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