Black Friday

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A/N: I know it already passed but who honestly cares

           I saw it, the item I had been scouring every convenience store for, mint Oreos. Just because it is "food" doesn't mean that it isn't on sale for Black Friday. For some reason this year they were sold out everywhere, I thought people didn't like mint Oreos but I guess not.

          Sadly there was only one packet of the deliciousness left in stock. I raced over to it, but before I could lay a hand on it a short old woman snatched the packet of goodness. To say I was furious is an understatement, I had been to like five different stores looking for the amazingly awesome Oreos.

         "Hey! I wanted those." I tried to calm myself, but Oreos made me happy, they are my top comfort food.

          The old lady pretended not to hear me and continued her slow walk to the register.

          "Please I need those." I honestly didn't feel like going to another store, it's just a waste of time.

        "Ugh fine but you gotta pay me ten dollars for it."

         Well, that is just ridiculous. I'd have to pay for them twice? Oh well, I need them.

          I slapped a crisp five-dollar bill into her outstretched hand. Oh, the things I would do for Oreos.

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