Chapter 3: the shopping trip

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Time passed and finally, the school holidays. And hooray, Mum was going to take us on an all-day shopping trip to the city. We three girls were terrifically excited.

We hit the first department store and tore off to the girls clothes section. We were grabbing items and holding them up against each other, laughing and talking ninety to the dozen.

"Mum," I squealed as I turned towards her holding a dress up in front of me, "can I try this one on, please, please? Renee thinks it will really suit me and I like it."

She looked at me with a serious expression, "Kimmie, are you sure about this? Is this what you want to do?"

I didn't understand. I looked at my two sisters who were equally as puzzled.

I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "I like it, Mum."


Boy, did we have a big spend-up. It was a real splurge.

For days afterwards, my sisters and I were completely silly: trying stuff on, swapping clothes and being stupid.

Mum should have got fed up with us, but, as usual, she was patient and understanding.

My birth parents had originally said that they would be away for 'a few months'. We got a couple of postcards and then after five months we got a phone call.

My mother gushing, "How are you, love?"

"Good, . . .er, Mum. Great, in fact."

Dad, clearly buoyant, "We're having a ball, Kim. We're doing what I call upmarket bumming around. Listen, Kimbo, would you be alright staying with your aunt for a bit longer."

"Sure, Dad. Not a problem at all."

I was doing so much better at school; my grades had improved significantly in the relatively short time I'd been at my new school: "Kimmie is a very capable student," according to my teacher.

The other kids were terrific, we all seemed to get on well, and of course, I loved my sisters.

From hating going to school when I lived in the city, I was now eager.

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