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"This is where the second challenge is?" Kate asked with a tone. The remaining eight were sent clues to their next challenge. It took them awhile to get there, Nevena was in heels. Victor had to carry her halfway through the journey.

"I guess so." John sighed. Everyone had calmed down enough from all the fighting, and it took three hours just to find the location of challenge two. They were in some kind of open gym, but the note was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's the note?" Victor asked.

"We would know as much as you do." Sergey retorted with a tone.

"Guys please." Damiano said as he put his palm to his face.

"Hold on. I see the note!" Michael said, he ran for a loose floorboard and picked up the piece of paper that was sitting inside the crack between two floorboards.

"What does it say?" Nevena asked. Damiano walked up to Michael to retrieve the note and translate it.

"Challenge #2:

You must split up into four groups of two. To keep things fair, groups will be determined by draw. You all will draw a number. Whoever had the same number as you, will be your teammate.

Each team has two flags. Once you've split up into groups, you each will start at a different location and search the mansion for your flags correlating with the country you represented in Eurovision. The first three teams to make it back to this room with both flags will be safe from elimination. However, the last team to find both flags will be challenged in which one of you will be eliminated.

Good luck, you'll need it.

-Alessandro Mahmoud, Mahmood."

"Aw great! It's bad enough that we need to work in pairs, but we can't even pick them???" Sergey complained.

"Get used to it. This might be a regular occurrence." Victor said.

"Who asked you?" Sergey questioned with a tone.

"Guys guys!" Michael tried to get them to stop. "Let's just draw for our teams."

The numbers were drawn. The teams were as follows;

Damiano and Netta

Victor and Kate

Michael and John

Nevena and Sergey.

"Damn, good luck Nevena." Victor sighed. Sergey made a face.

"I should be saying the same thing to Kate!" Sergey chuckled sarcastically.

"Let's just go now." Netta said. She just wanted to get this over with. The teams ran off in opposite directions.


Victor and Kate were talking amongst themselves, discussing an easy plan.

"I say we split up. That way, it will be faster. If I find your flag or you find mine, we can come back later." Kate suggested. Victor was skeptical.

"I don't know.... What if one of us gets confused or lost" Victor stalled.

"Come on, this is a better chance for us to live. Here. You take this map, and I'll take this one." Kate said as she handed Victor a map and ran off.

Victor couldn't do anything to stop her from running off. He could only hope that she grabs her flag in time, and if she finds his, she'll grab that one too.

72 Hours: A Ticking Time BombWhere stories live. Discover now