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Everyone rushed over to the room Jordan lead them to. In the room, lay Duncan. His skin was faded and his body stationary. It almost looked like he was only sleeping... But they all knew what really happened.

"D-Duncsn......" Michael trembled. Jordan walked closer to Duncan as he lay lifeless on the bed. He ran his hand across his face as he leaned in and kissed his warm, soft lips.

Jordan had began to sob.

"Duncan.... Please! Don't leave! Please!" Jordan cried. He lifted Duncan close to him and sobbed.

"I'm.... So sorry, Jordan." Michael sighed.

"He..... He was my everything! I made a promise to him that we would grow old together! I can't just let that go!" Jordan sobbed as he grabbed onto Duncan's cold, boney hands.

Mahmood looked down at his wrist with the bracelet that brought him back. He knew what had to be done.

He took it off and handed it to Jordan.

"Put this on his wrist. Quickly! Before it's too late." He said as he handed Jordan the bracelet. Jordan was confused.

"What.... What will this do?" He trembled.

"You'll see." Mahmood said. "Just do it."

Jordan clipped the bracelet around Duncan's wrist and took a step back. Everyone stood silent, waiting for something to happen, anything to happen.

That's when Jordan took another look at Duncan. His skin was glowing again! Jordan could hear him mumbling! He grabbed onto his hands to make him feel comfortable.

"Duncan?...." He trembled. Duncan began to toss and turn slightly. Then he opened his eyes!

"Jordan?... What... What's going on?" Duncan asked, still slightly getting used to his surroundings.

"Oh Duncan! I thought I lost you!" Jordan sobbed. Duncan sat up.

"Jordan. You know I would never leave you. You're heart is all I know!" Duncan smiled. Then he looked around and saw everyone standing there.

"You.... You came to save me?" Duncan asked.

"Well it wasn't like we had a choice...." John chuckled. As he said that, Michael kicked him in the shin.

"Oww! I mean. Yeah, it was nothing." John corrected himself. Duncan chuckled.

"It's alright. No hard feelings." Duncan said mid laugh. He sat up and walked out of bed.

"Thank you guys. Really. I don't know what I would've done without you." Duncan smiled. Everyone looked at him with glowing eyes.

Suddenly, Kate Miller-Heidke and Katerine Duska came bursting into the room.

"Guys..... We got a major problem...." Kate cried.

"How are you two alive??" Nevena asked.

"Same way Victor is." Katerine shrugged. "Hurry up! There's something you all need to see!"

Everyone rushed to follow Kate and Katerine. However, Mahmood was falling behind.

"Mahmood? You okay?" Duncan asked.

"I'll be alright! Don't worry." Mahmood assured them. They all ran off to follow the girls, who had something to show them.

"We found this note on the door of this room. I figured you'd want to read it...." Katerine said with a quiver.

"Who wrote it?" Victor asked.

"It's in Israeli." Kate said. "Anyone here know what this says?"

"Girls, girls, girls. I'm from Israel. I know this language like the back of my hand." Netta said as she walked closer to the girls, retrieving the note from them and translating it.

"To: everyone reading this.

I know that who you see behind the operation looks like me, and sounds like me. But it's not me, and you have to believe me! I'm writing this before the man took my soul and put it on himself to frame me. As you're reading this, I am not alive. That's not what matters at the moment.

You all need to get out of the building right now. This man, (his name is Otto Brauni.) Is going to kill you all if you don't leave, you'll all be blown up. The place is set to self destruct as soon as the timer was to have run out when you were sent to save Duncan.

Don't worry about me. It was my time, I've had a good run. You all need to save yourselves. I'll be fine.

-Kobi Marimi."

"Wait..... So...  That's not Kobi?" Sergey cried.

"We need to find his body! We're not leaving him!" John cried.

"There's no way to bring him back.... I used the last bracelet I had for Duncan...." Mahmood said with a little rasp.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll be fine." Mahmood said.

"We got to find Kobi's body and get the hell out of here!" Victor cried. "How much time is left, Michael?"

Michael looked at the watch.

"We've got about an hour. I think we have enough time." Michael said. "Where to you think he might be?"

"I don't know. Maybe the dungeon area." Damiano said.

"I do remember seeing someone there when I woke up after I died." Victor said. "Maybe that could be Kobi."

"You're a genius!" Kate cried. All ran towards the dungeon area. When they all got there, they noticed that there was no one else there.

"What? But I swear!......."

"Guys..... Where..... Where's Mahmood?" Duncan asked. Everyone looked around and noticed that Mahmood wasn't with them.

"Where is he???" Jordan cried.

That's when they heard a cackle... A familiar cackle...

"Forgetting someone?" Otto laughed evily. Everyone looked at him.

"Where's Mahmood??" Victor cried. Everyone looked around, they look up to see Mahmood tied to a pole. He was very weak.

"MAHMOOD!!!!" Michael cried.

"G-go without me! I-I'll be fine!" Mahmood stammered. Everyone looked at his pain filled eyes. They knew what he had done to save Duncan was a sacrifice.

"You actually thought you'd win this fight? You thought you could defeat me! Well, you're sadly mistaken." Otto laughed.

"We know your secret, Otto Brauni!" Nevena called out.

"Well, it seems that you found Kobi's note. Well done... But I'm afraid I'll have to kill your little friend over here!" Otto pointed to Mahmood.

That's when Michael looked closely at Otto's wrist. It had the bracelet on it, the same bracelet that Mahmood used to save Duncan!

He knew what he had to do...

"I'm going up there!" He exclaimed.


"It's the only way... The only way we can all escape... No man left behind. I'm not leaving Mahmood! Plus, it's not certain that I'll die." Michael said. He was determined. He took off the watch that had the timer.

"You take this, John. It's gonna get in the way when I'm up there." Michael said, handing the watch to John. Tears began to form in John's eyes.

"Michael..... Be careful!" He said with a  little bit of rasp from the welling tears.

"I will." Michael quivered. He ran up the stairs to find Otto standing there pointing a gun to Mahmood! Michael knew it was now or never.

No man left behind!

72 Hours: A Ticking Time BombWhere stories live. Discover now