Chapter 1

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*Trigger warning for a few parts towards the middle and end of this chapter. Verbal, mental abuse and also homophobia will be featured here*

I kissed my best friend when I was 14.

We were doing nothing out of the ordinary that day. Just the average summer day of playing video games at his house. We were discussing beginning high school in the upcoming months when the topic of crushes came up.

"Come on; I know you like someone!' I tease Evan, who is gazing down at the floor, blushing like mad.

"N-no I don't!' Evan stutters out, now blushing harder than he already was.

Ev. We've been friends for years. I can tell when you are lying. You can tell me. I'm sure I'll like whoever she is."

Evan looked up to me with fear swimming in his big, crystal blue eyes. "What if it's not a girl?"

"What do you mean?' I ask curiously. He takes a deep breath before answering. "I mean, what if I have a crush on a guy?"He whispers the last part as he turned his head back towards the floor.

My parents never really talked about the lgbtq+ community in church or to us children. My older brother and sister never talked about either. All I knew at this time was that this was Evan. MY Evan. My best friend, my other half. I knew how I felt about him. The older we got, I saw my feelings for him changing and growing into so much more. There was nothing I could do to stop me falling in love with the boy in front of me.

"Oh. Well that's ok!' He looks up at me, shocked. " aren't mad?" "No! Why would I be? you've had crushes on girls before, right? why would this be any different?" He looks at me, almost concerned. "What about your parents?" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What about them, they love you!" He smiled ear to ear and hugged me tight.

"So you really aren't mad?" "No! So quit asking!" I fuss, playfully pushing him off of me. "You should still tell me who it is though!" He shakes his head furiously, making his messy blonde hair fall past his eyes. "No." He says firmly.

"You've always told me before, why not now? Because it's a boy?" He shakes his head. "Because it's a friend." We aren't exactly popular so now it's down to two people. "Tyler?" "No!" I pause because that means there's only one boy left.

"Is it me?" My heart starts hammering out of my chest. Please be me, please be me I think over and over again. He's still looking down at his feet, studying them hard, trying not to look up at me. "Would you be mad if it was?"

I reach over and lift his chin gently for him to face me. I move the hair out of his beautiful blue eyes to see them clearly, then, I lean towards him and push back every anxious thought I was having, and kiss him.

It was my first kiss, i had no idea what I was doing. I give him a soft and sweet kiss. It was just a peck, but I was getting more and more anxious. I hope what  I did was ok.

I start to pull away when he kisses me back and smiles at me. The kiss was so sweet and innocent, but it meant so much to me.

"So I take it you aren't mad?" I laugh and grab his hand to hold. "Absolutely not. I'm honestly glad you said something. I've liked you since last year, I was just too chicken to say anything." He looks at me with a confused look.  "Why?" "Because I was scared I would mess up our entire friendship; but I'm not anymore."

He beamed when I kissed him on his cheek, trying to be as smooth as possible. Not only is he my best friend; but he's the first person I've really liked or felt anything for. I want to do this right.

He laughed to himself as he moved his free hand to graba Wii controller.

"You're cute, but now I have to get back to beating your ass in Mario Kart!" I faked gasped and lean over for the other controller. "Hell no! It's on!" I laugh as we go back to playing video games.

Broken PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora