Chapter 5

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*Daniels POV*

It's been almost a month since school has started, and things have been surprisingly ok. Classes have been fairly decent and I haven't been home a lot due to my part time job. I'm saving all my tips, and about half of my checks every week. It's finally starting to add up. It's a nice feeling, knowing I could start a life outside of this hell one day.

I'm currently in math waiting for the lunch bell to ring. Today is going by particularly slow, even by Monday's standards.

Finally the lunch bells rings and I wait until the crowd of rushing teenagers leaves the doorway to get up and leave. I rather not get trampled today. As I exit, I see Tyler waiting somewhat patiently for me.

"Hey slowpoke." Tyler says as we start to walk to the cafeteria. "I'm not slow. I just do t like crowds, there's a difference." He smirks. "Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. Hey, why don't we sit outside today instead of the usual? It's a really nice day out."

Relief washes over me at the thought of not sitting with his friends. We have sat there every day for a few weeks now and I am sick of the people he surrounds himself with. First, there's Craig and Keith. They are the typical meatheads, that's the best way to describe them without being mean. They talk about beer, boobs, and sports. Nothing else, ever. Shockley enough, we do not get along.

After that there is Cody, Kyle, and Ethan. They aren't nearly as loud as the brainless duo, they all more or less keep to themselves. Like Tyler, they talk and interact with the entire group but nothing beyond superficial conversations. They also tend not to venture outside of their closed circle, so our conversations have been minimum at best.

Lastly, there's the groupies. The girls that hang around the group almost nonstop. The roster seems to be ever changing, constantly going between this girl, that girl, and what have you. Just depends on who's fucking who that week. The only one that stays the same is Mia.

Mia was the typical run of the mill rich mean girl back in middle school, but now she seems to rule the school. I'm honestly not surprised. Her mom is a well respected doctor and her father is a well paid lawyer. She is set for life, and she knows it. She uses her connections to get her way any way that she sees fit. Even most teachers try to stay out of her way.

It's best to stay off her radar; and yet, Tyler was crazy enough to date her on and off for two years.

"That would be amazing. I need a break from the lunch room." "Yeah I thought you could use a change of scenery." We grab our lunch, and head outside. Once we find a seat towards the top, we sat down. I was throughly enjoying this. I wished we starting eating out here on day one. It's nice and open, not to mention QUIET. Even though it's an option for anyone, a lot of people don't eat out here. Mostly people that play out in the field or ones that want time to finish projects. I could stay out here all day.

"Enjoying time to yourself dude?" He chuckles as I chow down on my sandwich. I nod excitedly. "Yes. I'm not a huge fan of all the noise. And, no offense, but your friends kinda suck." Oh no! I didn't just say that out loud?!?! I have one person to talk to at lunch, and I definitely just ruined that.

He laughs at my sudden outburst of trust. "Yeah, they really do. You aren't wrong." "Then why do you always hang out with them?" He takes a sip of his drink before answering. "Well after you and Evan had your fight or whatever, you left, and Evan went head first into crazy town. I was left completely alone, so I stuck with whoever wanted to talk to me. A lot of them wouldn't be my first choice, but it is what it is."

I feel guilt boiling up inside of me all over again. "I'm sorry about that. It was a mess, what happened. I didn't mean to leave you like that, I really didn't. It's just, a lot of horrible stuff went down and I'm honestly just now grasping it." He gave me a puzzled look as I continued. "I promise I'll tell you everything in due time, I'm just not ready yet." He gives me a sad smile. "Alright, I respect that dude. I'm still here if you need me, though, ok?" I smile and nod. "Ok."

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