1. Talent

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It's gone.

The hope they believed in,

The future they strived hard to achieve,

All gone.

Ripped away from their hands, when all they could do was watch.

And now,

A certain boy stood by the edge of a rooftop.

The only one that made it out——but why?

Why was it only him?

Why is it that, when they finally found the happy ending they wanted, despair just had to prevail and ruin it all?

He looked at the ground far below him, and closed his eyes.

"It's not fair," he said, despite knowing that no one can hear him.

Finally, he took a few more steps.

Whether it was real or his imagination, he heard someone reply.

"Yes, it really is."

He stopped for a moment, before continuing,

And falls.


On a certain summer day. A young boy was seen dashing through the streets, there was no adult seen supervising him.

The destination he wished to see was only a thirty minute walk away, but due to his small and weak self, it would take him longer than that, despite him putting in all his effort to run to whatever place he was so desperate to go to.

Eventually, he made it.

He made his way into the park only a few people were seen in it, none of them noticing or caring about the child which came here without his parents besides him.

He only stopped when he found himself by the fountain in the middle.

Pant… Pant…

"I… Finally… Made it…" I say, panting between words. After some time, I stop and balance myself.

It was a pain to sneak out unnoticed, but it was worth it in the end.

I look up at the building from afar.

Just looking at it puts a dumb smile on my face.

Hope's Peak Academy… a prestigious school that scouts out the most talented individuals of the country, and only lets them attend it. I always hear good things about this school, and I'm sure all those things are true.

When I get scouted and start attending it, I'll be set out for life. I would be seen as an elite, and be alongside the talented ultimates, become friends with them… and… and…

There's so much stuff that could happen if I become an ultimate.

So, that's why I wanted to find out my talent, so I can one day see myself walking on those school grounds…

Well, that was the plan… But…

The smile falters.

Ever since I was born, I never had anything special or good at.

I don't have a talent.

Even at my age, I knew just how pathetic I really was, just someone who doesn't even have any special abilities, I was talentless.

Ultimate Lucky Ghost - Komahina/Hinakoma ficWhere stories live. Discover now