3. Luck was on our side

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Hey... Tell me...

Just a few hours ago, I was walking to Hope's peak, with a smile on my face.

I thought that now I was an ultimate, I would be living my best life from now on.



Am I here, just seconds away from my death?!

The wheel was still spinning at a fast rate, Nanami and I could only watch. As much as I wanted to believe it, with how many deaths were on that wheel, there was no way we would be getting out of here alive.

"So, Hajime, how are you enjoying the show?" The ghost floated to my vision.


"Not so good, huh... I'm sorry. To think our first meeting would be like this... How despairing," he says with so much guilt in his voice. But I knew he was faking it.

I really wanted to punch him in the face right now.

But, I was frozen in place, and even if I did manage to find enough courage to do that, my fist would just phase through him like it was nothing.

I glanced back at Nanami, she was now looking at the floor with regret in her eyes.

She must think it was her fault... No... She was just trying to cheer me up...

"Alright, it's slowing down now, what hopeful fate shall you two have, I wonder?"

My eyes snapped back to the wheel.

I'm gonna die.

I had such high hopes for my highschool years too...

A few clicks echoed through the room, coming from the wheel.


This is it.


My eyes start tearing up a bit.


The wheel then turns to the section that says 'LIVE'.

My eyes widened.


"Ah! What a hopeful outcome! You're happy about it, right, Ha-"

I collapse onto the floor.


My vision faded away into black right before I could see the wheel stop on the tiny 'WISH'.


I simply stood as I watched the world around me.

This was the 'future' that this world has come to.

The flames had already died out, leaving only a broken down city with a gray sky from the smoke.



I took one step.

And suddenly, the world changed, the city was intact, buzzing with people. And the sky was blue once more.

With another step, I go back to where I had come from.

I must return to him.

Ultimate Lucky Ghost - Komahina/Hinakoma ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang