Part 5

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Leo came to again on the plane taking him to another facility out of state. His vision had cleared enough, but when he tried to rub his head, he found his arms were pulled above his head and restrained. He tried to move his legs and they too, were tied down. He looked down and discovered that he was on a transport bed.

"Oh, where am I?" Leo said.

"I see you are awake. You are on a plane destined for my private facility."

Leo felt his heart sink into his stomach when he heard that. "Where are you taking me?"


"NO! Let me go!" Leo began to struggle.

"You won't get loose. I made sure those restraints were good and tight and last the trip." Johnson said.

Leo stopped. "What do you want with me?"

"A special project that will help fund my boss's work. I wouldn't even give Donatello the full details. You'll find out soon enough." The man said.

Leo looked down at his body and found that all of his gear had been taken off his body, save for his mask. He felt a little naked without it. He was completely vulnerable and being taken far away from his family.

Within a few hours, the plane landed and Leo was wheeled off and put into a transport truck. He tried to get loose again, but again failing.

A few miles later, Leo was given a sedative, which he tried to fight, but it did its job and made his vision go out on him again.

"Aren't you going to knock him out?" One of the assistants asked.

"I want him to see through blurry eyes for a while. I think I like him more like this." Johnson said. "Take him to the surgery room. I want to get started right away with collecting fresh DNA and to get the project started as quickly as possible."

"Yes, Sir."

Leonardo saw spotty lights pass over him as he was wheeled down the hall. He didn't remember leaving the transport van or seeing the building that they were in. He had no idea where he was. They then passed through some doors and the table stopped. He still saw the bright lights, but was too sedated to do anything other than close his eyes.

"Where...?" Leo asked, his voice sticky due to the sedative.

"Just relax." He heard as he felt a band being tied around his left arm. It had blocked the blood flow. There was someone prodding on his arm and then he felt a sting as a needle pierced through to his vein.

"Don't..." Leo said weakly.

"There, Sir. We have fresh DNA." Leo heard.

"Good. Now I will examine it and then the real work will begin."

"What about the turtle?"

"Take him to his special room for now and tie him down." Johnson ordered. "And keep him under sedation until further notice."

"Yes, Sir."

As Leonardo was wheeled out of the room, Johnson smiled at the vile of blood in his hand. He would compare it with Don's and see what it held as Leonardo hadn't been mutated. Then he would get to work on other things to get the project further under way.

Leo was taken to a cell that had a bed in it and shackles around it. His limbs were untied and he was lifted off the table and carried to the bed.

Leo could make it out a little bit. He felt he was being laid on a soft surface. Then he felt metal being placed on his hands and legs again. Then something soft was laid over him: a blanket. Then Leo felt a new sting in his right bicep.

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