Part 17

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Leo awoke to a man holding two bundles in his hands. "Finally awake, Leonardo? Thank you so much for giving me the final two babies that will help fund Agent Bishop's work."

Agent Johnson was holding two little bundles with green faces sticking out and they were crying their little lungs out.

"No! Don't hurt my babies!" Leo cried for them and tried to reach out for them.

"They were never yours. You were just their carrier. Now you have served your purpose. Do away with him." Johnson ordered, and a man standing beside him raised a gun and took aim. Then a white light...'

"NO!" Leo sat up screaming in bed. His breathing was heavy, and he was covered in sweat.

Leo had been having some bad dreams ever since he had gotten back home. He pulled the blanket down and saw his swollen belly. He rubbed it gently. "I don't want to lose you two." Leo said.

The babies seemed to respond by kicking out at his hand. He had never been happier to feel it. But were these dreams a warning? He hoped not. He would never let Bishop get his hands on the twins.

Sometimes Leo wouldn't be able to get back to sleep at night because of these dreams. Then he would get up and go think in the kitchen with a cup of tea for company. Why were these dreams haunting him? He was home safe and sound with his family now. They would make sure nothing would happen to him or them.

Leo was sitting at the table now when he heard footsteps approaching. One of his family.

Raph stepped into view. "What are ya doin' up, Fearless?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Bad dreams?"

Leo looked up.

"I could hear ya screaming in your sleep." Raph said.

"Sorry if I woke you up."

"What were the dreams about?"


"Oh, come on. Don't feed me that lie. I heard ya saying, 'Don't hurt my babies.' So what was it about?" Raph demanded.

Leo sighed deeply. There was no hiding this from his brother.

"It was about where after the twins were born and I was somehow in Johnson's custody again and he had the babies in his arms and he said that I served my purpose and he had me killed afterwards. Could it be a warning? I hope not." Leo said.

Raph didn't like to hear his brother talking like that. "It was just a dream, Leo. Ya saved Don and we aren't goin to let that guy get his hands on ya again."

"Thanks, Raph."

"But Leo, do ya really think it's a good idea for this to be happenin' to ya?"

"What do you mean?"

Raph figured now was a good time to get this off his mind. No one else was up and it was just him and Leo, alone.

"For you to be carrying them? They were after all, Bishop's work."

"I know they were created by his work, but they were my only family when I was in that place for so long. They were created for a bad purpose, I know that, Raph, but they are still a part of our family. I won't turn my back on them for any reason, no matter how they were created." Leo seriously said.

"And they created them without your consent. They forced ya inta that experiment. You've lost two already. How do ya know the last two will make it, or they won't kill you?" Raph asked. "We don't want to lose ya again."

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