Chapter 5

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Summary: "Sexual intercourse is extra," he adds as carefully as he can.

Thara's laugh dies right there and he looks at him straight in the eyes.



From his usual table he observes Thara as he places the order to take home at counter. When he woke up that morning he never expected to find a message from the doctor, since he never reached out to him in the few weeks following that night out with Duen and Bohn. The text was simple, asking to meet him personally after work because he had a request. He had suggested to meet at the restaurant Kao worked  at, knowing well that in the middle of the week and there wouldn't be too many customers.

This time the doctor had arrived on his bike and probably from home because he was wearing a light brown shirt, the sleeves rolled up, over a white t-shirt and a pair of more casual jeans. His hair down and slightly messy, Frong could rightly guess he forgot to fix it before leaving his apartment. He is amazed by the fact that he seems to see a different side of Thara every time they meet: today he looks younger and carefree, still kind of sexy in his casual outfit. He watches him walk back with two glasses of what seems iced-tea, his eyes following Thara's hand as he places one in front of him.

"I didn't order this," he says sounding more bitchy that he intends. His guest doesn't seem to be affected by his tone though, as he sits down opposite of him and takes a sip from his drink.

"I know, it's on me. I made you come here at this hour and with no notice. You said no to dinner but the least I can do is offer you something to drink, no alcohol since you're driving," he points to the car key next to Frong's wrist.

"You said you have a request: is it for your friend? The cute one you were with at the bar?" he asks vaguely remembering the girl he saw him talk to.

"Actually, I don't know if it's something you do or not," Thara says clearing his voice and shifting on his seat, clearly uncomfortable with his own demand. "It's not for a woman. It's for me: I need a date for a wedding."

"Of course,"  he sniggers. He realizes he has come out more hostile than he wanted, and he doesn't even know why. It is not like he expected Thara to call him as soon as he got off that train. Actually he never had a reson to expect him to call. He had given him his number for only one reason and that was to give an opportunity of income to a couple of girls he knew in the field. If he was going to be honest, for the whole time he had been sure Dr. Thara would have never taken up on his offer. Is that the reason why he feels slightly upset? Is he disappointed that he is just like every man out there, looking for an easy girl to use, pay and discard? He shakes his head, trying to hide his embarassment for being disappointed in someone he merely knows and who has nothing to do with him. It all worked out the way he planned: one of his friends was going to get some cash.

"I can show you a couple of girls I know and you can choose the one you like better," he says taking out his phone to show him the profiles of Gina, Love and Kaew.

"No, I'm not looking for a girl. I'm asking if I can book you to be my date."

He stops scrolling and takes a moment before looking up. Suddenly things are taking a very unexpected turn because not for one second since their eyes met had he thought Thara would be interested in men: it is the first time ever that his gaydar fails him and he can't believe it happened at such a crucial time and with a person that has piqued his interest for reasons he doesn't care to analyze. But he likes the unexpected and he definitely wants to see where this is gonna take him.

"I can do that."

"Is it really not a problem?"

"It wouldn't be a problem if I was straight. It's not a problem since I'm bi," he says, laying out all his cards in case Thara is interested in his company after the cerimony. If the information affects him in any way, he doesn't let it show.

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