chapter 7

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Summary: "We did splendid. But he's sitting right there so let's be careful."

"Is that why you're holding my hand?" he asks him looking down and not noticing that Frong's face is moving in his direction and getting into his personal space.

"Yes," he whispers in his ear, so close that the scent of his skin is all that Thara can breathe.



Thara would be lying if he said that his heart didn't skip a beat when Frong appeared in front of him wearing very simple dark grey pants, loose and falling sinuously on his legs, a white shirt two sizes too big but that looked perfect on him, the bowtie untied, its ends hanging asymmetrically. A couple of buttons had been left undone, revealing his collarbones and part of his toned chest, skin slightly tan in contrast with the silver necklace dangling from his neck. He looked like one of those models ready for a photoshoot for a fashion magazine, and he wasn't the only one who appreciated his style, given the number of heads that has been turning his way since they had arrived at the wedding venue. Frong hadn't been kidding when he said he was going to make every single person at that wedding believe he had scored the most handsome man.

The bride and the groom, classmates from university, had opted for a private traditional cerimony for their close relatives and a western celebration at the poolside of an high-class hotel for all their friends. The vows exchange had been heartfelt, the place decorated in whites and pastel greens, flowers and drapes moving with the light breeze gracing them on the roopftop and giving everyone a break from the tropical heat of the city.

They had mingled with the guests, said hi to a few old friends he hadn't kept in touch with. His date was in a good mood, not annoyingly chatty but charming everyone nonetheless. Most of them had been surprised to see him with a partner but they had welcomed Frong with warmth and treated him like one of them, unaware of the scam happening right under their noses.

He had spotted his ex-boyfriend right away but it was only when they had finally sat down before dinner that Arm had appeared at the table next to theirs. He had stood up to greet him, Frong moving with him.

He doesn't look a day older than the last time he saw him, still handsome as he remembers. And clearly still married, the wedding band on his finger reflecting the white light of the lamps circling the dining area. He isn't sure what he is supposed to feel after meeting his most important ex for the first time in years, but he is relieved that there are no lingering feelings. In a way he is almost glad to see him, Frong's presence at his side giving  him the confidence he needs to face the situation with his head held high.

Even if he is now positive that the majority of his acquaintances expects no drama anymore, he can feel a few eyes on them as they exchange pleasantries. Frong gives a wai to him and a very pregnant Mild, then shakes Arm's hand when he offers. He stays next to him, a smile on his lips and the palm of his hand flat on Thara's lower back. Respectful but intimate while he nods here and there as they converse, a small laugh at the right moment, a joke that makes the mood even more friendly. He turns to look at him a couple of times as he talks to Arm, fascinated by his confidence and the way he easily holds a conversation with people he knows nothing about and has literally met just a few minutes before. Being an extrovert himself, Thara has always been quite friendly to people he just met too. But Frong's social skills are top-notch, he has to recognize that.

No matter how pleasant their reunion is, he feels relieved when they separate, the couple going back to their table while he sits back down. Frong follows him, moving the chair closer and squeezing his hand that is resting on the table. He looks at him slightly confused and a bit surprised by the touch now that the coast is clear and they don't have to be too obvious.

"Are you ok?"

The question surprises him but not as much as the sincere concern on his date's face. He gives him a smile and nods:  "I think we did well, right?"

"We did splendid," Frong reassures him, the tone of his voice low so the rest of the guests sitting at the table won't hear him. "But he's sitting right there so let's be careful."

"Is that why you're holding my hand?" he asks him looking down and not noticing that Frong's face is moving in his direction and getting into his personal space.

"Yes," he whispers in his ear, so close that the scent of his skin is all that Thara can breathe. He feels the grip on his hand tighten, their fingers now intervined on the cotton of the tablecloth. "Because in the next few minutes him or his wife are probably gonna look this way at least a couple of times to check on us. And we want them to know two things."

Thara stays silent, curious about what he is going to say next because every word coming out of his mouth seems to catch him off guard. And he likes the unknown Frong brings into his life.

"One: we're not interested in them."


"And two," Frong says moving back a little and staring into his eyes, literally making his brain stop working. "Seeing them didn't affect us at all because we're very much in love, P'Doctor."

It takes a moment for his thoughts to become coherent again and to give him the okay to follow through with the play.

"You know, I think that if you keep looking at me like that I might start to believe we really are," he says softly fixing Frong's hair and passing his free hand on the side of his head, fingers sliding through his dark locks. He thinks he sees Frong taking a deeper breath but blames it on a trick of his mind. He hopes the show will be a good one, not for Arm but for himself because when they touch a tingle of excitement spreads through his whole body and every time Frong stares straight into his eyes he hears his heartbeats getting louder. And if he can't be Frong's real boyfriend he doesn't mind being the receipient of his loving attentions.

Even if it is just for one day. Even if it is all fake.

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