chapter 6

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Summary: The truth was that he liked him.



He closes the door behind him and rests his back against it for a few seconds. Frong had said yes: he had just got himself a date. One he was paying for.

When he had received the invitation he almost RSVPed right away, glad he would have a chance to spend some time with old friends in such a joyful occasion. But only a couple of days later he had gotten word that Arm would be present too, pregnant wife in tow. At first he hadn't cared, glad his ex boyfriend had gotten himself  the family he always wanted. Until Boom and Am had pointed out the fact there would be comparisons because many of the guests knew about them: they were together for years so it was expected. And he still didn't care because he was happy with his life the way was. Of course maybe he was lacking in a couple of departments but that didn't make him a loser. People though were going to talk, maybe pity him for showing up alone, wondering if he was looking for another chance. The most stupid questions started to pop up in his head and the riduculousness of the whole deal had lead him to believe he needed to avoid silly gossips involving him. If everyone had proof he had moved on, would it be ok?

Arm knew his friends and there was no way he was going to pretend he was dating one of them: it would have been way to awkward and difficult to pull off.
But he didn't know Frong. And Thara still had his number, having taken a picture of his hand that night before the ink was wiped away by sweat ot water.

Frong was a professional.

Frong was somebody new.

Frong was somebody he felt comfortable with.

Frong was into men so acting as another man's date was likely to be okay.

Frong was the perfect boyfriend. Or fake one.

They had talked a bit about how they would act, which level of intimacy was comfortable for him. Holding hands? Okay. Hugs? Okay. Hands on shoulder? Okay. Kisses on the cheek? Thara had freezed on the spot and was sure Frong was still laughing because of his reaction, thinking he was being shy or a prude.

The truth was that he liked him. He had felt attracted to Frong since the first time he had seen him. He had dismissed the excitement he felt pooling at his core when he thought he was there as his coworker's boyfriend.  He had given up entirely on it when he had found out the real reason he was there that night. But fate had been playing with him when he had found himself facing him again. And if that wasn't enough, the guy who wasn't as straight as he thought he was, kept looking at him with interest. Although he wasn't sure if he found him funny, quirky or a case study.

Thara wanted to spend time with him. He wanted to kiss him and find out what he tasted like. He wanted him. All of him.

When Frong had told him about the price of the extra, he had actually considered it for a moment. Would it be different from having sex with someone the normal way? Frong looked okay with it, nobody was forcing him. The whole deal with him was about rules and consent: on the way home he had received a pdf file that contained a detailed explaination of everything they had talked about earlier plus additional info: it was like reading a well-written business deal. The guy was through and trustworthy, and Thara found his rigor unexpected though endering.

But he was a friend of his cousin and getting involved with him like that would have been too much, and that was why he had decided to keep things simple: they would talk, flirt, make everyone believe he was not there as a home-wrecker wannabe. Frong would be paid for an easy job and he would be able to enjoy the day with no pressure from the outside. And at the end of the night they would shake hands and go their separate ways. As easy as that.

He breathes in and takes his shoes off before leaving the food on the table and going straight to Cupcake's room. He spots her right away as she stands still in the middle of the terrarium, her big eyes following him as he gets closer. He carefully opens the top and waits for her to get on his hand, a sweet lick of his fingers to welcome him home before settling herself in his palm. He pulls his phone out with his free hand and takes a couple of pictures, his lovely pet posing like the diva that she is. He is reminded of Frong's reaction when he was shown her picture, the genuine smile on his face as he complimented her beauty.

"I can definitely meet someone else who will also like you," he sighs trying hard not to make her understand how discouraged he actually feels. He waited such a long time to finally come across an interesting person, but he guesses that waiting a bit more won't be too much of a change. "Frong is not the only one who thinks you're cute, right? Your daddy will find someone who can loves us both."

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