Evangelista Moore

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Elistia picked up the wedding ring in front of her, having fallen out of her fiance's hand. She looked around at the bodies on the ground and stood up placing the ring on her finger. She pulled out a dagger from her dress and cut the front. Slowly the blue sky began to darken and the wind whipped the tree branches back and forth.

Elistia started walking down the aisle as black tendrils of smoke started to run up her arms from the dagger. Slowly she made her way to the lake. Though the lake was not yet tainted with blood she still did not want it to be. She took a step and the water froze, black, beneath her feet and slowly but surely she began to walk across the lake, the trail of her white dress moving across the water, not touching it but yet still blowing.

When the tendril of black smoke reached her sleeve  the white dress began to turn black as so did the sky. Soon she got to the other side of the lake and walked through the city past more and more dead bodies. Soon she got to the palace, the source of happiness and life in the kingdom, it was not destroyed just yet but was burning in flame. The Priotaians had thought that the Mitlantians were dead and had begun to leave.

The king stopped then once he saw Elistia moving through the flame, her once moonlit skin now dark black and her freckles a silver color. The once silver sword was now black and any light was put out.

"You murdered my family, friends, and the love of my life...as well as my people you don't deserve to live." She calmly said, before she could raise the dagger, a small pup emerged from the fire, it was black and smaller than the average star wolf pup.

She frowned, it shouldn't have been this close to the palace or the city, in fact it should have been in the caves, a three day trip west. If it was here then it's mother should have been with it. The goddess pushed the wolf away and out of the flames, she watched as it ran off, black fur glistening in the dark light that covered the city.

She shook her head and raised the dagger, looking back at the king,  "Long live the queen,'' she whispered as the soldiers screamed from the pain of the fire, plants, ice, and air. Some burnt in the blue hot flames, some fell into the ground without their breath, most had plants rip through them, and the rest were frozen by sharp purple ice that stung once it touched you.

The king was last to be injured and the worst was given to him, all of chaos was forced through him, ripping him into shreds of nothingness. Elistia walked away, the crown on her head sparkling with a dark light.

The ancient queen stopped outside of the city in a meadow filled with purple flowers and looked back at the burning buildings. She scowled as her blonde hair whipped around in the wind, her once blue eyes a dark purple color. Around her was a swirling spiral of black and dark purple smoke. She looked to the black sky and twisted her wrist with a snap of her fingers.

Suddenly Elistia floated over the ocean and looked up at the stars and moon with a smile. She raised her hand and pulled the light to her, filling the water with light. Her smile grew once she saw the ruins below her. Closing her eyes she let the dark purple magic surround her, as she brought up the forgotten island below the water. The wind picked up and the water churned as the gold spires breached the water, shining in the moonlight.

She had a twisted smile on her face as the island finished rising and she landed on its surface. She walked through to the palace in the middle and threw open the doors with a twist of her hand. As she walked through the grand hall to the throne room, she ran her hands over the statues causing them to awaken and bring the people to life. She stopped in front of the throne and let out a small laugh and a smirk. With a shake of her head, she sat down, the black gown flowing behind her.

Elistia's eyes turned back to their dark blue but flakes of emerald green swirled through them. She swirled her fingers and watched the magic swirl around in green and purple. Soon enough people started to fill the throne room and stare at her in confusion.

One person stepped forward "If I may, your majesty, why are you here, when last checked you allowed us to sink below the sea?" Others nodded along with what was said by the young man and as Elistia looked through the crowd, she spotted people of all sorts of people.

"My mother forced you to sink, I am here to bring you back, and bring Okeanós back to its proper glory, as the empire of the seven seas." The goddess grinned and waved her hand "Trust me everything will be alright with me back on the throne and the city risen from the sea."

She snapped her fingers and the people filling the throne room disappeared in a puff of green smoke. As the queen sat on the throne she glanced up and finally noticed the ceiling of glass above her. The stars and moon shone down into the room, casting their silvery light upon the blonde goddess.

Her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires as she stood up and walked behind the throne to grab the scepter that was there. As her pale fingers touched the gold metal, her eyes turned emerald green as did the gem on the top. She smirked and laughed a brilliant laugh that echoed through the palace and city.

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