Aquilia Macleod

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Aquilia stood at the fire, ignoring the three men behind her. Her hair was down and looked to be the same shade of flame in front of her, a dark burning red. Slowly she turned around, tears in her eyes.

She marched away from the flames and towards the second tallest man who flinched when she stopped in front of him. "You are telling me that you let my father die? For a son of Lucifer to live?"

"Look, Lia I'm sorry but we don't even want the kid," Dean, the man, objected before his brother Sam kicked his leg.

"Not an excuse Dean, my father is dead, my grandmother missing, and my boyfriend missing!"

"Aquilia, we will help you find Rowena and Gabriel" The man in the trench coat, Castiel, interjected.

"No I don't need help, especially not from an angel who doesn't know anything about humans!" She hissed in reply, hazel eyes turning black. "Now if you would excuse me I am going to go home...alone." Aquilia spun around towards her motorcycle.

The three men watched as she got on the bike and started it, driving down the dirt road, kicking up dust.

Soon Aquilia arrived at home, and parked her bike in the garage. She walked to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of wine and a bottle of scotch. She set those on the counter and made up a plate of bread, meats, cheese, crackers, and sweets.

Carrying her food and drink to her room she walked quickly past doors that had no meaning to her.

Entering her room she waved her hand lighting the small candles that floated near the ceiling.

The room was enchanted to be bigger on the inside, and in fact held a queen size bed, a love seat couch, a tv, and a walk-in-closet. The bathroom was attached and was almost the same size.

She set the food on the bed and flicked her wrist, causing her clothes to change. Instead of the white button up with black jeans and boots she had been wearing, she was now wearing a tanktop with night shorts.

Turning on the tv she opened the bottle of wine and took a drink before freezing up.

She slowly looked at the table in her room and blinked, the crystal in the middle was glowing a bright bluish purple with flickers of green, casting that glow onto the rest of the room.
Aquilia rushed over to the table and looked at the stone with curiosity sparkling in her hazel eyes, that crystal had never been that color. It was used to monitor magical power surges throughout the world, but if there was one it was supposed to glow a deep red color.

"Well that works out perfectly fucking well, it isn't suppost to be fucking that color" she hissed to herself.

The witch cursed under her breath and put her hands beside the crystal and closed her eyes. A wave of dark blood red light shot from her hands and into the crystal. She yelped and shot backwards, eyes still closed.

When they opened they were pitch black with flakes of red floating in them. She looked at the crystal and was horrified to find it still that color of blue that it had been.

"No, this isn't right this isn't supposed to isn't supposed to happen," she stood up and brushed her clothes off before picking up a few old books.

She sat down at the table with the books and her food watching the crystal wearily.

Opening the biggest book first, she began to flip through it, stopping to read certain pages and write things down in her journal. As she read she also ate and kept an eye on the crystal monitoring the color.

She had been halfway through the second book when someone walked into her room, though she didn't notice until they said something.

"Lia, we need to talk," Sam said from directly behind her.

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