Calista Flure

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Callista sat huddled in the corner, ginger hair matted and dirty, falling in her face. She was covered in filth, chains around her wrist and ankles. The chains stretched far enough for her to reach the door and get her food.

On time the door opened silently and a plate of food was pushed through, as well as a clean change of clothes. Once the door closed Callista slowly got up to get her food, a simple meal of fish, some vegetables, bread, and to Callista's surprise a dark navy blue cupcake.

As she saw the cupcake she smiled for the first time in nine months. "Hello, Doctor," she whispered to herself.

She ate the fish first and slowly moved her way to the cupcake. Once she bit into the cupcake she laughed and pulled a small ring out of the middle. It was silver and the middle spun, small blue stones went in a line around the ring, and different circle designs in each one.

Callista finished the cupcake and grabbed the clothes, smiling when a small metal canister covered in the same circle designs as the ring fell out, along with a key. She quickly tried the key on her chains and laughed when it worked. "Oh you genius genius Doctor." She walked to the basin of water in the other corner of the room and used it to wash off the filth covering her skin.

Once clean she changed and was glad to be wearing her usual black jacket, with a white button up top and black pants. She slipped on the black heels that came with the change of clothes before slipping the key on a string and tying it around her neck.

Using the ring now on her finger she unlocked the door with just a whirring sound. She opened the door and her smile grew. Leaning against the wall was a tall man in a trench coat with brown hair. "Doctor, nine months is a bit too long for being held hostage by the Master," She grinned, closing the door behind her and pressing down on the metal canister in her hand. It elongated into a metal staff that Cal gripped tightly in the middle.

"The Master had too many copies of this place Cal," The Doctor smiled walking beside her, "It was hard to find you, but I did. Now the TARDIS is outside of the building, I'll go get it and pick you up," He stopped her and hugged her tightly. "I'm glad you're okay, I missed you."

Cal smiled lightly and hugged him back "I got ginger before you," she whispered in his ear, laughing as he pulled away and kissed her forehead.

"I can see that, it matches your personality." He smiled and ran down the corridor after kissing her lips.

She smiled and went the opposite way sprinting down the hall. She cursed under her breath as the copies of the same man came out from her left and right.

She stopped and raised the staff before positioning herself close to the ground, ginger hair falling over her shoulders, green eyes sharp and waiting for the first move.

The men rushed at her quickly but she jumped up and caught the gun of the first one with the staff, twisting it and knocking him back. She caught the hand of another man and twisted his arm, letting out an audible crack. He started cussing her out as she walked away, knocking him to the ground. Soon enough she had all the men on the floor and was stepping over them, sometimes stepping on them.

Cal reached the end of the hall and found a locked door, rolling her eyes she unlocked the door with her ring and carefully pushed it open with her staff.

Walking in she raised the staff in a defensive position, as the designs on it glowed a dim blue, casting the light around the room. "Hello?," Her soft voice echoed through the room, which she now realized to be some sort of science lab.

She had been there when she first arrived, nine months ago. The Master had been doing tests on her, trying to find a way to eliminate the competitive blood of the Prosperian Time Lords, to bring the Gallifreyian Time Lords back.

She shook away the memory of seeing what had happened when he succeeded, a Prosperian known to Cal as Astrealia or Commander was reduced to a small girl who couldn't speak for herself. Withering away in a cell somewhere in the compound, with no knowledge of who she was.

Cal looked around and raised the staff higher as a man walked out of the shadows. "General, I see you finally escaped," The man sneered.

"Master, I see your hair is still thinning, a shame, it was such a pretty brown," She hissed glaring sharply at him.

The Master glared back, "You have no right to talk like that, with the color your hair is, I'm surprised you didn't get dumber"

Callistia glared and raised her staff, "At least I'm not mad as a hatter." She hissed her reply and yelped as she was grabbed from behind. "Oh fuck, are you kidding me? This again? Master, darling, get over it I'm never going to fuck you."

The Master walked towards her, "Nobody would ever want to marry you or even try to have kids with you,'' he replied, slapping her across the face.

Callistia glared, "The Doctor says otherwise darling." she tilted her head slightly as she said it, relishing in the look the Master gave her, "Awwe did you think that he still liked you?" she asked, quickly breaking out of the hold of the soldiers behind her.

She hit the men behind her with the staff, stepping through their boots with her heels. With a hard hit she knocked the Master out and ran out the door. She walked through the halls, and stopped when she came to the doors that lead outside. To her utter disappointment they were locked, but once she waved her hand, a sound came from her ring as it worked to unlock the lock.

Calistia shielded her face from the bright orange sun, her first time seeing light and it was orange, not calming when thrown in your face. She ducked her head down and ran to the Doctor standing by the police box, "I didn't kill him, much to my dismay, but he was knocked out." she murmured in his ear, hugging him tightly, "Did I say I missed you earlier? If not, I really did."

The Doctor smiled and led her inside the box, "You didn't but I figured you did, it's going to be nice having you back."

Cal smiled back and looked around the box, happy to be back where she should be, home, or at least for now, she was unknowingly walking into a bigger problem.

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