Chapter 2: My true feelings

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*not edited*

I sat in history listening to the history teacher lecture us about the upcoming year. I think I fell asleep in the middle of history class, but I can't remember. All I can recall is thinking to myself how stupid this year was gonna be, which was not like me. I love school. This year was definitely going to be more difficult but still fairly simple.

As we get dismissed from history class I quickly walk over to my next class, Spanish. It felt like everyone in the hallway was trying to shove me over because of how crowded they were. I almost tripped multiple times because of how clumsy I was.

I walk into Spanish class and notice that we have assigned seats. There were two desks pushed together to create one table so that two people were forced to sit together. 'This shouldn't be too hard to make friends' I thought to myself knowing I was an extroverted person.

I sat down in my seat and waited for the person in the desk next to mine to show up. Her name was Abby which seemed like a nice girl's name. At least that's what I thought until I saw her walk in.

She was definitely rich, very rich. She would have looked kind if it wasn't for all the makeup she was wearing which actually made her look very intimidating. She had red hair and wore what looked to be the most expensive outfit I'd ever seen. I recognized her from the rich kid group that I saw earlier. She was a friend of the boy I was staring at in math class, the one with the blue eyes.

She noticed I was her desk partner and gave me a disgusted look before walking over to sit down. She sat down next to me and acted like I was a disease. She scooted her chair to the opposite end of her desk, furthest away from me. I couldn't believe how rude she was acting.

The Spanish teacher walked in before Abby could make any rude comment to me. The Spanish teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Pescota. She had a very lively personality and was a very fun teacher.

The rest of Spanish class was actually fun. The teacher had a very different way of teaching which made the students enjoy a class for once. She gave us a syllabus, but only spent around 10 minutes explaining it to us. She spent most of the bell teaching us how to tell others our names in Spanish. I hadn't had to talk to Abby at all yet. I thought I made it through the whole bell avoiding her until the very end when the teacher said, "introduce yourself to the person next to you and tell them three things you enjoy"

I turned to Abby and noticed her unenthusiastic expression. I just had to get this over with. I plastered a fake smile on my face and tried to be nice to her. "Hi, my name is Pink, and you are?"

I heard her audibly sigh before she responded, "my name is Abby and I'm not excited to be here"

"Yeah I've noticed"

"Just to let you know, I'm not talking to you because I want to," she said. She was just as rude as I imagined her to be.

"I assumed. Just make an attempt to be nice because we are going to have to deal with each other the rest of the year" I reply with a smile.

"Ugh, fine" she said as the bell rang.

I left the classroom in a hurry before I could be trampled by people. I uncomfortably walk through the hallways trying to get to the next class. I bump into many people by accident again. This was a very difficult task that took much longer than expected to get used to.

I finally reached my science class after the few minutes it took just to find it. Surprisingly the class before ours was just exiting the classroom. I stood out of the way to let the class walk out.

I look at all the people trying to see if I know anyone. I notice the boy with the blue eyes from earlier. We made eye contact for a split second but I quickly looked away. Before I looked away I saw him smirk at me. Why did he look at me like that? I felt myself blushing when the class had finally fully exited.

The Boy with the Blue Eyes // Roomies UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now