Chapter 4: the cafeteria incident

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*Not edited*

"Frick! I'm so sorry!" I said to him.

"Try to pay more attention where you're walking! This suit cost a couple thousand dollars!"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I can buy you a new coffee" I said considering I had bumped his coffee out of his hands all over him.

"What about the suit?!" He exclaimed.

"I don't have the money! I got into this school by scholarship! I'm not rich"

"That explains why you're dressed like that"

"Dressed like what?"

"Never mind, that's not the point. I'm going to need you to pay me $3500 for the suit"

"WHAT! I can't afford that! Please let me make it up to you some other way! Please!"

"It's final, I am going to need you to pay me back. I will give you one week to do it" he said and walked away before I had time to say anything else.

I walked the rest of the way home feeling guilty and scared. What was I supposed to do now? I wasn't as rich as everyone else. There was no way I could pay him back.

I spent the rest of the night scared as hell. I was dreading the next day at school. He was probably gonna ask about the money. I might as well just pass away right now. I'll figure out something, but what?


The alarm felt like it went off way earlier than usual. I pressed the snooze button even though I knew I wasn't going to have enough time to get ready.

15 minutes passed. Then 30. I woke up confused what time it was and why the alarm didn't go off a second time. 'Frick! I turned it off instead of snoozing it! Now I'm definitely going to be late!' I thought to myself when rushing to get ready.

I put on a different set of the clothes I wore the day before. I had like 20 sets of the same outfit. I didn't have time to do my hair so I just left it in the messy bun it was from when I put it up the night before.

I sprinted downstairs to see that Penny had already left. My dad had made pancakes and left a couple on the table. Quickly grabbing one, I sprinted out the door.

I arrive at the school just as the 5 minute bell rings. I see Madi waiting at the door for me and I quickly walk over to her. Luckily today the whole rich kid friend group wasn't there.

"Damn girl, your hair looks cute today," Madi said to me as I walked up.

"Thanks, I didn't really try though. I just left it up from last night" I responded.

"Ok now that you're here, we have to get to class or we're going to be late!"

As we fast walk to math class, I look down to Madis hand and notice a Starbucks cup, "Hey! Why did you get Starbucks without me! How rude of you!" I say jokingly.

"It's not my fault you were slow" she says and we burst out laughing as we walk into math class just as the bell rings.

The first half of the school day quickly passed. In Spanish, Abby ignored me as best as she could, which was no surprise. While waiting to go into science class I gained self control and completely avoided eye contact with Seth.

I walk into the cafeteria with Madi and notice they are serving green beans, chicken tenders, and mashed potatoes. Since it was school food, it was probably toxic, but I forgot to bring a packed lunch so I had to get the cafeteria food.

Madi also forgot to pack lunch so we got into the lunch line together and waited to get our food. The lunch line wasn't long and we quickly got our food and went to sit down.

"Girl watch out!" I hear someone scream at me seconds before I feel something crash into me.

I hit the cold hard floor and a sharp pain shot up my left arm, but that was the least of my problems. I look up to see Seth, covered in the cafeteria food.

"Can you watch where you're going! Walking really isn't that hard!" He yelled at me. Seeing him screaming at me covered in mash potatoes and green beans was really funny. He glared at me and it looked like he wanted me dead, which somehow I found even more amusing. I tried to stifle the laughter but a little escaped.

"You think this is funny!?" He yells.

"Yes" I say under my breath. It seems I wasn't the only person who was laughing. Many people around the cafeteria were laughing and taking pictures, including Abby

"This is going to be my new background!" Abby says laughing while taking a picture of him.

"Abby!" Seth yells at her.

"What Sethie?" she says giggling. Seth glared at her and took off his shirt in front of the whole cafeteria because of all the food on it.

"Damn" I said under my breath so only I could hear. He was hot. He was really hot, and he had abs. Pinching myself was the only thing I could do to keep myself from blushing, and laughing.

He noticed that I was slightly uncomfortable, so he chuckled softly and said, "What? Like what you see?"

I quickly shook off the awkwardness before I responded, "oh hell no!" I say laughing a little. I look back up at him and now he seems to be the one uncomfortable, "I mean-"

"And this is going to the whole school" Abby says laughing, and taking another photo of Seth.

"I'm pretty sure just about the whole school is staring at him right now" I said while Abby laughs even harder. Seth just growls and storms out of the room.

Once he's gone, Madi and I looked at each other and burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing on earth. If Seth didn't hate me before, he definitely did now.

Fifth bell quickly arrived, but Seth didn't show up. I'm assuming he didn't want to be around me because of how much of a klutz I was, or he lived far away and had to get a new shirt. It didn't really matter.

Sixth bell flew by as quickly as all the other classes did. Luckily I avoided eye contact and conversation with Wesley. I was almost positive he was glaring at me the whole bell. Tiffany, on the other hand, was really nice. We actually talked to each other and I wouldn't mind having her as a friend.

Once seventh bell arrived, I was so excited. I was starting the new club. It was a great opportunity to make new friends and explore new activities. I knew this was going to be an amazing class which would make the year more wonderful than it already was.

I walked around in the school building for a little while before I found the club room. I was clearly late and hoped they wouldn't kill me.

I walked into the room and I felt numb. Sitting at the table in the center of the room were Abby, Seth, and Wesley. I was in trouble. Real deep trouble.

Word count: 1268

Sorry we haven't updated in awhile. We will try to get back to a more frequent schedule. Since it's the holidays and winter break we have been busy. I hope everyone is having a good holiday. Remember to comment grammar and spelling mistakes.
Later haterz

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