Chapter 5: the arguement

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*not edited*

"Wesley, look! Pink haired girl is here" a blue haired boy shouted before I could manage to sneak out of the club room.

"I'm assuming you came here with my money?" Wesley asked in a snotty tone.

"Actually no, first of all, I told you I got into this school off of scholarship so I can't afford to pay you back, and I'm not here because of you. I'm here because I joined this club. There isn't anything you can do about it! You are stuck with me for the rest of the year!" I say looking at all their shocked expressions. I expected somebody to talk back and for an argument to start, but the room stayed dead silent.

"Let's just start the club," Tiffany said, breaking the silence.

I walk over, and take a seat at the end of the table. The glares I'm getting from Wesley and Seth are like knives piercing the soul, but somehow they just made me laugh. They looked really stupid.

"Ok so as everybody knows this club was originally said to be a club where we would experience other clubs, but that was all a lie. This is just a club where we can do whatever we want during club period and get A's" Wesley stated.

"What? I signed up to actually participate in this club! Not to sit around and do nothing!" I retort.

"Maybe you would've realized what we do in this club before you signed up for it if you were in my friend group. Oh wait! I forgot! You are too poor to join it. You are just a poor girl who got into this school on a scholarship. You're nothing to us, and will always be nothing!" Wesley shouted.

"Maybe I would rather leave this club than be in it with some stuck up, rich snotty brats who think they run the school just like you! Let me tell you, you are human just like the rest of us! I may be poor but at least I have emotions other than anger. I actually care about people, but you guys care about money more than people! If you haven't heard this before, let me tell you, you guys aren't all that! No one seems to like you! Maybe you should show some kindness to others! The only person who has been nice to me this whole time is Tiffany! I feel bad for her because she has to put up with all of you!" I yell at them with tears in my eyes. I needed to get out of here.

"Nice? You aren't nice! You didn't even apologize for spilling food all over me!" Seth protested.

"Maybe if you had given me time to apologize instead of screaming at me, I would've. Also did you even consider the fact that I could've been hurting?"

"No I didn't" Seth said quietly.

"Maybe if you put your brain cells together you would've been able to see that I had hit my left elbow really hard on the ground! I was in pain, but no one seemed to care. You were too busy focusing on yourself!" I cried. Tears were now slowly trickling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe a class I thought I would love turned into something so horrible.

"Pink I'm sorry-" He tried to say.

"No I don't want to hear it" I said, cutting him off, and storming out of the room.

I sprint down the hallway until I found a nice storage closet to cry in. I sat down quickly and closed the door so no one would see me. I quietly sobbed into my knee hoping no one would hear.

Was I really nobody? I realized I was poor but I didn't know that mattered. I always thought everybody would be nice to you if you were nice to them. I try to be as nice as possible hoping that could make a change but truly they all wanted me dead. If I died right now no one would even care.

"Pink!" I hear Seth call out down the hall.

'Why does he care now?' I thought while I tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was no use.

"Pink there you are!" Seth said while opening the door, "please come back I'm really sorry I should have said those things and-"

"You're right you shouldn't have! It doesn't matter now does it" I say, shoving him out of the way. I just wanted to be left alone couldn't he realize that.

"Pink please wait!" He called out to me, as he followed me down the hallways of the school.

I was almost at the exit when he grabbed my wrist. "My god pink! You are so fucking stubborn! I'm trying to comfort you!" He said

I look up at him with tears in my eyes threatening to escape. He probably thought I was so uncool and weird even though his eyes expressed a different message. As he looked down at my blotchy, red, tear stained face, the look in his eyes seemed to beg me to forgive him, but I couldn't.

"Instead, How about you treat me like nothing like you say I am," I say, escaping his grasp and sprinting away from him.

I sprinted the rest of the way home, crying. I ran in through the front door slamming it behind me. I didn't care if I was skipping part of my last bell. My dad was working and Penny was still at school so I had the house to myself.

I sprinted up to my room and laid face down, sobbing into my pillow.


I looked over at my phone.

*you have one new message*


*you have two new messages*

I opened my phone to see who the messages were from.

2:01 PM

Emmett: Hey

Emmett: How is your new school going?

Pink: horrible

Pink: two days in and two really rich kids hate me, I owe one of them like 3500 thousand dollars, I accidentally joined a fake club with them in it, they are bullying me, I spilled cafeteria food all over this one rich guy who does hate me, at least I don't think, the one who doesn't hate me was being rude now he tried to comfort me, and I ran out of school crying

Pink: could this be any worse

Emmett: Pink! I'm sorry that is horrible. Just remember they can take you back at your old school and you can be with me.

Pink: I'm going to try to make the best of this school because it could be really good for my college résumé and future education

Emmett: that's a good idea

Emmett: Can I ask you something?

Was this going to be it? Was he finally going to ask me out after all this time?

Pink: Yeah, what is it?

2:15 PM

Pink: Emmett?

Emmett: Sorry I have to go! We will talk later

Pink: yeah, ok bye

Another missed opportunity. I had been waiting way too long for him to ask me out. 'Maybe I should just move on' I thought to myself as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Word count: 1243
Hey guys, we decided to publish another chapter because of the time we missed. Sorry this chapter and the last one are a little short. I hope you all like it!
Later haters

The Boy with the Blue Eyes // Roomies UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now