Chapter-3 First Glimpse

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Here is the new update

Not rechecked so pardon my mistakes

If Possible Inline Comments plsss🥺


Its morning and sun rays peeking inside the room of both riansh

Riddhima waked up and saw she was positioned on the sofa then remembered about today's mission she quickly woke up and went washroom to get freshen up.

She quickly got ready and went down for breakfast

                                                          (riddhima's outfit)

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                                                          (riddhima's outfit)

Naina, Viraj and Aakriti were already present there, She greeted everyone and said

Riddhima(said with a small smile)- Mumma today maybe i ll be a lil late okay, so u don't worry

Naina- Okay, just have your food on time, and planted a small kiss on her forehead

Aakriti- Di if u are not getting late pls drop me to college

riddhima noded and after completing the food everyone left for there respective works 

Riddhima and Aakriti reached to college and riddhima bid by to Aakriti and left for her office

VR Mansion

Vansh is getting ready for his meeting. He was looking devilish handsome and taking his phone and file went down to study

 He was looking devilish handsome and taking his phone and file went down to study

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Angre was already present there

Angre- Good morning Bhai

Vansh just nooded and asked - Is everything ready 

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