Chapter-5 Fire

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_One more thing isn't it amazing In last Part Views are 104 and votes just 21 

Well Whatever this part is specially for those 21 people.....thank you for your support


Voice- hey ma'am u just dropped yourrrr.......

he was not able to complete his words as he saw the card and his expressions turned to horror

Riddhima turned and was confused to see his expressions but when she saw her Police ID card in his hand......she understood his expressions . 

He just dropped the card there only and ran away Riddhima quicky picked the card and placed in her pocket and started following him

Riddhima- OHH!! Fuck......he saw my card and ran away, now he ll alert his boss Hell!! Now what I will dooo...

She was following him but the man just disappeared in the thin air............Riddhima told everything to maya and asked her to track the person through CCTV........

Vansh's POV

Ohhh Godddd!!!! Kitna bolta hai ye. By God if didn't had any motive behind this deal I would have just killed him..Bloody jerk.........Cool Vansh Cool Just few more miniatures then his game over (smirking thinking...)

POV ends

Mr Oberoi- What happen Mr Rai Singhania......all okay 

Vansh came out of his thoughts and answerd

Vansh - ya ya i m okay....what can happen to me

Mr Oberoi- No u seemed to be occupied with some thoughts...I guess

Vansh (in his VR tone)- Can we leave all this nonsense and proceed for our work

Oberoi just hmmed (I was like haawww !! dargaya 😂😂😂)

Vansh signed some of the papers and handed over to him, 

Vansh - Soo Mr Ekansh Oberoi here u go

Ekansh took the papers and was abut to sign when one of his men entered in panting....

Man- Boss!!!!! Police.....

Everyone present there- Whattttttt!!!!!!!

Vansh's expression were changed to confuse one, till then Ekansh asked his men


They just nodded and went 

Vansh kept his thoughts side and said

Vansh- Ekansh we don't have much time...just sign the papers 

Ekansh- Whatt!! police is here and u are asking to sign the VR not now..... we will continue it next time....u don't know police is already behind me so it's threat to my life as they will have witness of all my work....I just need to leave now.... 

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