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[ Mistreatment ]


strong language warning !!!


|| 12 PM ||


                 I was preparing my last minute notes when Jaehyun came bursting through the doors with a panic expression. "What's wrong?" I asked as I felt anxious too when I saw the look on his face. "We have a problem..." He said and showed me his phone. I took it from him and read what was showing on the screen out loud.

"Project Number 207 will be handed to MANAGER SHIN SANG-HO with immediate effect." I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I read it again and again as my mind was unable to process the fact that an arrogant bastard will be stealing my work in broad daylight!
"How is this even possible?! When was this notice!" I exclaimed in anger. "This morning...I have no idea what is going on as well..." Jaehyun said and I was so furious. How could such things happen and it is even on the day itself! Which means I prepared all the notes and details for NOTHING.

"What do we do now Ye-Jun?!" Jaehyun asked and just then, someone began to clap and when I turned to look at who it was, my blood began to boil and his presence felt as if it has doused the burning fire inside me and it is spreading all over my body. "You did this?!" Jaehyun questioned him. "Oh no...I would never steal cases from Manager Nam. It was just the boss's idea. I just found out this morning." He spoke in an innocent manner but he had a sinister smile which he did not bother to hide plastered across his face.

"Then what are you here for? To gloat?" I asked as I tried to contain my anger. "Maybe...But I am also here to take MY case." He extended his hand to me and I glanced at his hand, reluctant to pass it to him. I can't imagine giving to him the case file...It is filled with ALL of my research and ALL of my notes, how can I possibly just hand it over to him?! This is my hardworking after all...
"Not a chance Mr. Shin. Now get out of here with your dignity intact or I'll personally kick you out. By then, you will be so humiliated." Jaehyun grabbed his hand and shoved him to the door harshly.

"Mr. Song, are you threatening me?" Shin Sang-Ho shot Jaehyun a glare as he quickly straightened the suit he was wearing.
"I'm not giving you anything until I get confirmation from our boss. Now, get out of my way." I shoved him aside and made my way to the lifts so I could head upstairs to confront Xavier about this matter.
There must be some kind of mistake...Xavier would never do this to me. In fact, even if these cases happen, he will always inform me a few days ahead...

"Ye-" Jaehyun was just about to stop me from barging right into Xavier's office but it was too late. I pushed open the door and looked around the room furiously for him.
"I'm sorry but I will have to call you again...Alright, goodbye." He was still on the phone when I came in and he shot me a surprised look.
"Is there a problem?" He asked after he hung up the call. "What is the meaning of this. Explain!" I threw the case file on his table and it slid right across the table and in front of me.

"As stated on the news board. With immediate effect, you will hand over this case to manager Shin." He stated with a sigh and closed the file. "Don't you think I deserve an explanation?! I worked hard on this case and you want me to hand over all of my research willingly to that guy?! Do you think I am that stupid..." I scoffed and snatched back the file from him.
"Yah Nam Ye-Jun, who do you think you are?! How dare you question the boss like that?! Shouldn't you follow all instructions given to you?!" Manager Shin commented from behind which fuelled my anger even more.

"Who are you to tell her what to do? Shouldn't you be keeping quiet now. Plus, it is normal for Ye-Jun to be mad because this is such a last minute notice! She deserves an explanation!" Jaehyun pushed Shin Sang Ho back so he wouldn't be too close to me. In case, I lose control and slap him.
"Stop fighting in my office! Please show some respect to me. Ye-Jun, pass the case to Sang Ho immediately and not delay the project any further. I will personally give you an explanation." Xavier finally spoke up in a stern manner but just by looking at that smug expression on Sang Ho's face, I do not want to hand my hardwork to him.

"Fine. It's his case now but sadly I have nothing to pass on to him." I spoke as I glanced at Xavier and Manager Shin. "What are you talking about? It is right inside the file." He exclaimed and was about to grab the file from me but I dodged his hands.
I took out all of my research inside the file and walked over to the paper shredder in Xavier's office. Swiftly, I inserted the papers inside the machine and let it work its magic, turning the papers into shreds in an instant.

It is definitely painful to watch my hardwork shred into pieces like that but I rather do this than to hand them over to that pathetic guy.

"Yah! What do you think you are doing?!" Sang Ho tried to come over to stop me but Jaehyun stood in his way and did not let him close to me. "It's a pity I didn't do anything yet so I'm unable to pass you anything else other than the case file. Best of luck trying to research all these within the timeline." I smiled innocently at him and handed him the now empty case file. "How am I suppose to finish it for tomorrow?! The clients wanted it today, do you know what you have done?!" He yelled.
"It's your case after all...Figure something out." I shrugged at him and I could see how angry he is which made me so delighted.

"Boss, she—" Shin Sang Ho was about to complain when he was cut off by Xavier himself, "Enough already. I'll call the client asking for an extension. Once you are done, report back to me and let me see it first before presenting it to the client."
"Yes sir." He shot me a quick glare before snatching the case file from me, stomping out of the office in anger.

"Ye-Jun give me some time and I'll explain to you. Alright?" Xavier requested as he gestured for me to take a seat on his couch. "Jaehyun you can leave first. I'm sure you have other things to do." I turned to him and flashed him a smile to assure him I would be fine.
The moment Jaehyun left the room, I faced Xavier with a poker face, unwilling to show him any emotions.
It is true that I told him before that I wished to have a professional relationship with him, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed and betrayed that someone whom I respected as a friend and a senior would do such a thing to me.

"I know you are angry but it really wasn't my decision. I was told about it this morning as well...It was requested by the client to change project managers immediately. The board members agreed and I have no say..."
"I know there was something going on behind the scenes and I promise you, I'll figure it out. There is no way such things would happen all of a sudden, in fact, it's too coincidental. I'm really sorry it happened to you Ye-Jun. You have my word, it will never happen again." He gave me his word in a sincere manner, there was no way I could stay mad at him.

Hearing his explanation, I could tell he was also kept in the dark which makes him a victim too... "I understand. Thank you...Xavier. If there is nothing else, I'll get back to work." Just as I was about to stand up and leave, he grabbed my forearm to stop me, "Ye-Jun...Take the rest of the day off. You must be very stressed after what happened..."
"But I still have work to do..." It was only eleven in the morning, I have only been at work for a few hours and he wants me to head home?

"I'm sure you don't...You already finished with the other cases haven't you?! Take the rest of the day off, it's an order." He stated before removing his grip on my forearm. "You can bring some work back home to work on it but I am sure you are already done with them. Now, don't make me see you loitering in the company after lunch or I will have security escort you home!"
If he for real now? I'm actually being sent home...His right though, I am in fact already done with the other cases...My plan was to meet the clients today but I guess it is not happening. I'll have to postpone it for tomorrow.

However, going back home is a little boring because Chanyeol is at work and if I would to tell him I got the day off, he will be rushing back home to spend time with me and I don't want that. He may be the boss but he can't always work from home, it's not fair to his employees and it makes him look bad.

"Fine. I'll head home to take a nap." I said and bid him goodbye.

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