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[ Crumbling ]


strong language warning !!!



                 "I understand that you are worried for Chanyeol and I must apologize because all of this is my fault. I know Chanyeol wishes to settle down and start a family but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that...I haven't had plans to marry Chanyeol, I'm sorry." I replied in an apologetic tone as I stood up and bowed to the both of them. It's my problem because I'm the one whose refusing to get married...I guess I can count myself lucky for having such a thoughtful boyfriend. Chanyeol understands that I'm not ready yet so he doesn't pressure me but I'm slowly turning into his burden...Even his parents wants him to get married already but because of me, he can't do so.

"We are not blaming you Ye-Jun...Marriage is a huge thing so it can be a little scary at first so we can kind of understand why you are refusing to get married just yet. But as you know, age is another factor that you should consider...It's not good to settle down at a very late age so we are just worried for you and Chanyeol." Chanyeol's father spoke up and told me to seat back down.
"We are also not asking you to leave him...We would just like you to just consider settling down with Chanyeol since you guys have been together for so long...I believe you guys love each other deeply." Chanyeol's mother added.

How can I possibly consider settling down with Chanyeol when all we do is fight?! It's true that we will fight and make up but how many times have we already fought with each other?! Our fights aren't even the small and petty ones instead, they are all huge fights which can lead to us not talking to each other for a few days. This relationship we have...I don't think it's a good idea to settle down like this!




- Chanyeol's pov -

"Idiot!" Noona scolded me as she hit my head. "What the hell, I didn't tell you everything just for you to hit me..." I complained but she didn't even look sorry that she has hit me. "You deserved it! In fact you deserve more than that! What makes you think Ye-Jun can read your mind and know why you are upset with her?!"
"She knows that Xavier likes her and she still deliberately hides the fact that his her boss from me! If I never went to her office that day, I would never have known and I would be completely in the dark!" I tried to defend myself but I only ended up getting slapped once more on the head.

"If I am Ye-Jun, I would just leave you! Let me tell you what I see from this entire situation...My idiot brother IS INSECURE about himself. Thus, you are making Ye-Jun suffer along with you." Noona said to me.
"Can't I be insecure? You should have seen the way Xavier looks at her...HE STILL LIKES HER and I bet he hates me to the core for stealing away his chance with Ye-Jun."
"You can feel insecure but Chanyeol look! You are now Ye-Jun's boyfriend...I don't see why you should even worry about her getting stolen. Technically, she has been working there for so long and she hasn't even cheated on you so I don't see why you have to suspect her now." She told me which I guess, makes sense?

"But...If you keep up this jerk behaviour, you will lose her. That's for sure." She stated which made me slightly panicked as I began reflecting on myself. "There's no point regretting now...From now onwards, have more faith in yourself and instead of picking fights with Ye-Jun all day long, talk to her and tell her what's bothering you...Don't assume that she knows." Noona suggested.

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