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[ Welcome Back Asshole ]


Apologies for such a late update !!!
2 more weeks and I'm free from exams and assignments 🎉



- Chanyeol's pov -

                      Even though I've been in Canada for the past 2 months, I was still fully aware of what was happening in the company and I have to admit, I am so proud of Kyungsoo and Kai for doing such a wonderful job when I'm away.

Going to Canada was such a last minute decision which is why I left without anyone knowing where I went. They spammed me with text messages and calls but I just didn't reply them because I wanted some time away and alone. Ye-Jun really has such an impact on me that I had to leave the country to feel better, I just got to! May seem like I'm running away but I'm hoping to give her some space too...

As expected, when I arrived back to Korea, the guys all stood in the arrival hall, welcoming me with ' open arms '. They look like they are about to murder me...Especially Kyungsoo which I'm guessing, that isn't his first cup of coffee this morning. They each took turns to welcome me back and when it's Kyungsoo's turn, his sarcastic remark made me grin, "Welcome back asshole..."

I thanked him as I went in for a hug, I've missed them all very much. "How have you been?" He asked and I nodded my head, "Better." "Guys we can catch up later, now let's head to Jongdae's restaurant. He prepared a welcome meal for Chanyeol." Kai mentioned.


"Park Chanyeol!" Jongdae greeted me enthusiastically before pulling me into a hug. "Have you been doing well?" I asked and he nodded. I greeted his wife on the way to our table and she smiled at me while she set the table for us.

"Does Ye-Jun know you are back?" Chen's wife, Hyo-Ri asked out of the blue and the noises died down moments after she spoke. "Hyo-Ri!" Chen ran up to his wife and nudged her to remain quiet because Ye-Jun is an open wound...I escaped to Canada so I can be away from her and anything that reminded me of her...It was only stupid of me to think that two months overseas could make me forget about her. It was actually one of the reason I returned now...Because it wasn't working for me.
Whatever I did in Canada just reminded me of her...it really broke my heart.

"It's alright! Well, I'm not planning on telling her. I mean, we won't be seeing each other anymore." I replied anyways so it could be less awkward.
"You do know sooner or later you will bump into her right..." Kai stated and I couldn't help but agree mentally. "Let's not talk anymore and eat." Jongdae suggested, trying to change the topic and he raised his glass to initiate a toast. I went along and raised mine as well and drank down the soju in one mouth. It didn't affect me at all so I decided to pour myself another cup and chugged it down the next second.




                     I arrived at the company in the morning, slightly hung over but I was feeling fine since my tolerance is very high compared to the others yesterday. The moment I entered my company, everyone who saw me gasped, surprised to see me show up at the office after disappearing for two months and immediately bowed to me as I walked past. I had many things to do today since I didn't have an assistant...Kai was knocked out last night so he can't make it this morning. 
When I entered my office, I received a call from the receptionist so I sat down on my seat and picked it up. 

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