Unwanted attention

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Danny's POV

One week later. Picture at the top is his wings but pure white like his hair.

    My parents just left and my babysitter is none other that Vlad. I mean, I know that he is their friend but he cloned me. He is a creepy person with no people skills whatsoever. He is even an alpha. That should not be able to happen. Not to mention that my wings have grown now.

   I am still worrying about my brothers too. I still can't believe I am adopted. Aren't they hunters too? I have to hide my wings from them, my parents, everyone. I am slowly breaking down. I am so stressed that I have even more to hide from everyone. Now even my friends Sam and Tucker have been pulling away from me even more.

   I am scared to be alone. I am scared to meet my brothers. I am even scared of being seen by the GIW. I am scared of so many things right now that it is not even funny. I can't remember the last time I have felt liberated or free.


   I can still feel their hands. I see their smiles. That can only mean one thing. They are going to torcher me again. They then grabbed me by my hair, which was covered in my ectoplasm. I am terrified of what they are going to do. Are they going to electrocute me again? Or maybe they would do another autopsy on me half alive.

   I just want to go home. They keep hearing my screams, but no one cares. They think that just because I have ectoplasm for blood that I don't have emotions. That I don't feel pain, but I do. I feel every pulsing pain that comes with being cut open. I feel my core pulse every time they call me ecto scum, or ghost freak.

   They don't realize that I am half human. That, or they just don't care. I just want to go home. I don't even care that much anymore if my parents say that they I'm would " rip me apart molecule, by molecule." Please help me. Please Please Please.

End Flashback

   I am going to go for a nice stroll to clear my head. I need that. I think I need therapy, but I can't get any for this reason because I would have to tell someone what I am. That and, I have PTSD from Spectra trying to take my DNA.

   I hear Vlad call out to me, " Little Badger, listen closely. I am an alpha. You will obey me during this time. Or I will make it so that you will have no choice but to submit to me." I feel mortified, he knows, I don't know what to do. 

   I just can't stand Vlad.  How will I stand him?  He is an alpha. Will he change his obsession to me? I am just so scared. 

   Also, slowly my resolve is crumbling. Am I really starting to play nice with Vlad? Is it because I am an omega? So many questions I just don't have an answer to.

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