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Danny's POV

Vlad's mansion

This is a complete nightmare. I have been locked in this god forsaken room since I got here. I am terrified. It is like I am now a bird in a cage. I can't breath. I can't speak. I can't do anything. I am alone.

Every time I look in the mirror, in this large cage, I lose myself. I can't help but feel hopeless. I am starting to not care about anything anymore. I feel like a husk. I don't have any control over myself anymore. I keep going down and down into a rabbit hole. I just don't want to be here. This is hell. Anyone please help me.

I feel like my wings have been clipped. I can't do anything. Is this how women throughout history felt. Trapped. I just want my mom and dad here again. I don't even have the mental capacity to do anything. I am depressed. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't do anything. I feel like I am going crazy. I can't talk to anyone but Vlad.

I can't help but think he is trying to make me more dependent on him. Like I would need him. I am scared because I think it's working. He keeps me alone. I can only talk to him. I don't know how long I have been here. It dosen't matter anymore. I just need help.

Please anyone, help. I just want my parents. My family. I can't help but feel worthless now. Will I ever be free again?

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