Part 17: Buy Your Evil™ Jumpsuit Today!

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"It feels really nice to be back in Beacontown," Lukas commented.

Jesse nodded and smiled as she looked at the colorful houses and the glowing beacons in the town square.

"Yep. It's looking so-" Jesse began. In the distance, she spotted a billowing tower of smoke rising into the sky. "...on fire? What the heck happened?" Jesse groaned.

"That's coming from the secluded part of town where Xara's house is. Clearly she's learned nothing from the forest fire she started," Romeo muttered.

Aiden stared at the rising smoke.

"I have a bucket, but I have to fill it up with water. The problem is I'm not sure where I'd do that," Aiden said.

"There's a river really close to Xara's house. You could fill it up there," Jesse replied. Aiden took the bucket out of his inventory and the four of them ran towards the river, where Aiden scooped up some water.

Jesse, Lukas, Romeo, and Aiden sprinted to Xara's house. Instead of a burning home, they saw Xara sitting next to a signal fire.

"Oh. Hello. I was wondering when you'd get here," Xara said in a nonchalant tone. She closed her hand into a fist, which extinguished the signal fire.

Aiden pressed his lips together, Lukas rubbed the back of his neck, and Romeo's mouth dropped open as his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Uh... hi," Lukas greeted nervously.

"We thought your house was on fire. Never scare us like that again," Jesse told Xara. There were still traces of stress lingering on Jesse's face even though it was apparent that there was no danger.

Romeo looked down at the extinguished fire, then he turned his attention to Xara.

"When did you learn how to do that?" Romeo asked excitedly.

"I've been practicing the past few weeks. I found out that I can do more than simply creating my own fire. I can extinguish the flames, spread them, contain them, increase or decrease their size or height... Maybe even more than that, I'd have to experiment more," Xara explained. She tapped her fingers on the ground and the dying embers in the signal fire suddenly became towering flames, which made Aiden flinch.

An amused smirk appeared on Xara's face and there was a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"Oh, afraid of a little fire?" Xara asked.

"Why would I be afraid of a tiny campfire? It's not like it'll jump out and get me," Aiden retorted.

Xara grinned from ear to ear and the mischievous glint in her eyes became even brighter.

"Are you sure about that?" Xara questioned. Aiden's eyes widened.

"Xara, you're scaring him," Romeo chided. Xara rolled her eyes.

"Relax... I'm just having a little fun. I wouldn't hurt him, but of course you'd think I would," Xara muttered.

"Oh, that's rich coming from you. You've certainly got all of the faith in the world in me. I didn't think you were going to hurt Aiden, but he doesn't know that. And I'm sure you think it's a riot to make him wrongly believe that he's in danger," Romeo snapped.

"Now you're directly attacking my moral character. Is nothing too low for you?" Xara asked. Romeo noticed that Xara was clutching her side.

"You're bruised," Romeo gasped. Xara blinked and her expression became one of confusion.

"Romeo, you don't answer a yes-or-no question with 'you're bruised,'" Xara replied. Her bruise throbbed painfully, but she gritted her teeth and tried to ignore it.

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