Chapter 3

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The guys are still talking but I'm getting really tired so I'm gonna head to bed

"I'm gonna head off to bed. Thomas you comin' or staying?" I ask

"I'm gonna stay for a bit." He says

"K. Night guys!" I yell heading to my hut

"Night!" They yell back

"Alright Thomas, spill." Minho said

"Spill what?" I ask

"You know what. About Gabriella." Winston says

"What about her?" I ask again

"You like her don't you?" Chuck says

"No, I don't like her." I said

"Quit lyin' we know you like her." Frypan said

"I don't like her." I said again

"Then why are you turning red?" Newt asks

"B-because it's hot out here." I said even though it's not

"Tommy has a crush, Tommy has a crush!" They sing

"Alright alright, shh. Ok so maybe I do like her so what? She doesn't like me back." I said

I look back up and see that their all looking at each other

"What?" I ask

"Are you blind man?" Minho says

"I'm pretty sure I'm not." I said

"You sure? Cause to us it's obvious she likes you back." Chuck says with his hands on his hips

"How do you know that?" I ask

"Well, she smiles at you, she mainly talks to you and she seems to trust you more then any of us." Fry said

"Ok so?" I said

"Man your ignoring all the signs. She likes you!" Winston says

"Whatever." I said

"Just take a-" Newt starts but then something happens

"The doors aren't closing!" One of the boys yell

We all run over to the same doors that lead to the Maze that me and Minho take every morning. He's right, the walls aren't closing

"Thomas! What's all the commotion?" Someone asks behind me

I turn around and see Gabriella walking up to us

"The doors aren't opening." I tell her

"Is that bad?" She asks worried

"Well-" I start but then it gets worse

The west doors starts to open and then the south then the east doors start to open and none of them will close. Then I see a huge figure on the far side of the Maze

"Thomas, what is that?" Gaby asks

"Grievers." I said

"What?" She asks

"Alright everybody hide!!!" I yell

Everyone runs in different directions with their torches and I take Gabriella and head for the tall grass. We hover down so the grievers don't see us. All we hear is their screeching in the distance and Gladers being taken by grievers. Then we don't notice one of the grievers claw grabs Zart and takes him. We all run to the meeting hall but first me and Gabriella go get Alby since he was stung earlier but is recovering.

"Alby, come on." I said getting him off the bed

"What's happening?" He asks

"Grievers. Their here and the doors won't close." Gaby says

We grab Alby and run to the meeting hall. Almost everyone is in there and we have to keep it quiet or else their gonna know we're in here. I don't know how but one of the grievers came and took one of the Gladers. I tried to get him but it was too late. Then the griever grabbed Chuck but luckily I grabbed him just in time. I couldn't keep his grip on for long, then Alby got a thick wooden stick and started to beat up the griever's claw. The stinger breaks off and the griever lets go of Chuck.

"Thanks Alby." Chuck says

"No problem." Alby says

Then another griever comes and grabs Alby through the roof. Me and Gaby grab both of his hands trying to hold him till the griever decides to let go but it's not.

"Thomas, get them out." Alby says before the griever takes him

"Noo!!" I yell

We all get out of the meeting hall to see that the grievers are gone and the Glade is destroyed. Then Gally walks up to us and punches me and slaps Gabriella

"Gally! Calm down!" Minho yells holding him back

"This is all their faults! You heard what Alby said earlier he saw them, he saw them! Their working for WICKED!" Gally yells

"Gally just calm down!" Newt yells

Newt takes Gally to the pit while me and Thomas recover and go to our hut

"You ok Thomas?" I ask

"Yea. I'm not bleeding right?" He asks

"No. The side of your forehead is a little red though. Want me to take you to the Med-jacks?" I ask

"No. It should go away by tomorrow. Let me see your cheek." He says

"How is it?" I ask

"It's really warm and a little red too." He says touching my cheek

"It should go away by tomorrow. Night Thomas." I said getting in my hammock


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