Chapter 6

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"So what do you guys have planned so far?" I ask

"Not much but all we know is that Gally won't let us all leave. Not under his control." Minho says studying a mini version of the Maze he built

"Gally shouldn't even be in charge it should be Newt." I say

"I don't know what that guy is thinking." Thomas says

"Ok so, when we discovered that area with the tracker, there was a circular door and opened once we put the tracker in front of some kind of scanner. It must be where the grievers go during the day but the thing is that there's a code that we have to put in." Minho said

"Do you have any idea what the code could be?" I ask

"I don't know. I saw eight numbers and they were all scrambled up so we have to put them in a certain order." He says

"Wait. The Maze has eight sections and there are eight numbers for the code. If the numbers are scrambled up then that means that the code is the order of sections the Maze opens them up in." Thomas says

"What's the order of sections that the Maze opens up?" I ask Minho

"I'll have to remember it again. A lot of things have happened that I started to forget." Minho says

"Try to remember as much as you can ok?" I ask

"I'll try." He says

"Let's get back to work." He adds

"Thomas can you help me in the garden?" I ask

"Sure. I'll see you there in a bit." He says as I head out the door

"Dude, when are you gonna ask her out?" Minho asks

"I don't know. When the times right I guess." I said

"Dude, you have all this as the right time before we leave this place. Now when you go to the garden, ask her out." He says

"No promises!" I said leaving the map room

I go over and meet Gaby in the garden

"Is that corn?" I ask trying take a cob

"Don't touch and yes." She says smacking my hand

"Hey Gaby, I-I wanna ask you something." I start

What am I saying?! Does she have control over my mouth too?!

"Yea?" She asks

"I was wonder i-if you wanted to go out with me?" I ask nervously

"Definitely!" She says giving me a hug

"Thank god!" I said

She just giggles and gets back to work and I stay and help her. Me and Thomas are in our hut after working on the garden when someone is at our door

"Gally what are you doing here?" I ask

"Just how I warned you the other night. I decided instead of waiting for a griever attack, I'm gonna put you in the Maze tonight, right now come on the doors are open." He says grabbing me by my shoulder where he cut me

"Ow! Gally watch it and I'm not going into the Maze!" I yell

"Gaby what's going- Gally what do you think your doing?!" Thomas yells walking up to us

"I'm taking her to the Maze. I don't wanna cross anymore names off of that wall." He says taking me outside

"If your taking her then your taking me as well." Thomas says

"Good idea. Let's go both of you. Let's see if you can spend a night in the Maze with the grievers." He says pushing us into the Maze

The doors close behind us and now we're trapped in the Maze for the night

"We're stuck here?! With grievers?!" I yell

"Don't worry. I've been in here before, I know a little bit." Thomas says trying to calm me down

"But the grievers!" I whisper/yell

"As long as we don't bump into them we're fine." He says

"Let's just go." I said walking away from the doors

-Griever screech-

"On second thought I'm gonna stay by the doors." I said turning around

"No no we're gonna explore the Maze for a bit. Plus we have to hide from the grievers when they reach this spot." He says turning me around

We run around the Maze trying to hide from the grievers when we find a few things along the way

"Is that Ably's?" I ask pointing to a piece of a bloody shirt

"Yea." Thomas says taking a deep breath

"There's a whole trail of the everyone's clothes leading somewhere. Should we follow it?" I ask

"No there might be grievers on the other side. Come o-" he starts but then a big glop on goo landed on his shoulders. We looked up and saw a griever just staring at us and growling

"Thomas?" I whisper

"Run. Run!" He yells

We run and we hear the griever chasing us. I don't know how it happened but somehow me and Thomas split up and the griever was after me now. I try to loose it by making turns at every one I could find but it always found me. I find myself at a dead end and all I can do is jump the wall. I jump the wall and the damn griever is still chasing after me.

I stop at another dead end but this time it's a cliff. I turn around and the griever is creeping up towards me and I turn back around and jump the cliff to the wall that was a few feet away. I try to climb up but the griever jumped right below me and climbed up to wear I was and took out its stinger and tried to sting me but missed and it cut the vine I was on. I fall to the ground along with the griever except it was all tangled up. I get my chance and run away. Suddenly I run right into a body shaped figure and fall down

"Woah." Thomas says

"Oh. It's just you." I say out of breath

"Are you crazy?! I ran all over looking for you." He says helping me up

"Sorry but I was running away from that thing." I said

"I found a place where we can hide and stay for the night." He says

"Hurry and let's go." I said

"Hey Minho, have you seen Gaby or Thomas? Gaby's late for work." Newt says

"No. Thomas is usually walking around and-"

"Gaby is always early for work." Newt interrupts

"I think Gally had something to do with this." Minho says

"Let's go ask." Newt says

We head over to the builders hut and see Gally

"Alright Gally, what did you do with Gabriella and Thomas?" Minho asks walking towards him

"Just threw them in the Maze last night." He says

"What?!!!!" Me and Newt say at the same time

"Look, the doors are opening. Go see if they made it. Probably didn't but go ahead anyway." He says

I give him a look and me and Newt run over to the doors and see if Gaby and Thomas made it. We don't see anyone and just as Newt turned around I see Gaby and Thomas

"I knew you'd make it." I say walking towards them

"What happened out there?" Newt asks

"Griever attack as usual but we have to take Gaby to the Med-jacks she hurt her back badly." Thomas says walking towards the Med-jacks

"We'll come with you." Newt says

"Thanks guys." He says and we all take her to the Med-jacks

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