Chapter 4

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"Nice work you two." Ava says

"Thomas, why are we doing this?" I ask

"I don't know. Just get back to work." He says

"But Thomas-" I start

"Thomas and Gabriella, come with me." Paige tells us

We follow Ava to where we put many boys in tubes filled with water

"This experiment will change the world." She says

I see every boy pounding on the tubes so they can get air but then they all drown. I get this guilty feeling in my gut saying that I'm doing the wrong thing.

"Remember you two, WICKED is good" Ava says

Then I woke up around 5:40 am in the morning and fell out of my hammock waking up Thomas

"Wha- you ok Gaby?" He asks grinning

"Yea. Just had a dream I-I mean a memory." I said getting up

"Like?" I asks sitting up

"Gally was right. We were there and we were experimenting on everyone here. For three years we've been working on this and I saw Gally, Minho, Newt, Winston. She kept on saying that WICKED is good but it's not." I said starting to cry

"Why would we do this?" He asks sitting next to me

"I don't know but in that memory I didn't like it and neither did you. We were just doing what we were told and we felt guilty doing it." I said crying even more

"Hey, stop crying. We will get out of here. All of us. I promise." He says warmly pulling me in for a hug

"Let's just go back to sleep. We have a work to do later." I said wiping off my tears

Ever since Alby was killed Gally put himself in charge and it's really ticking me off. He's out of the pit and is gonna banish me and Thomas later in the afternoon, whatever that means.

"Hey Newt, pass me that bucket of fertile soil." I said

"Here." He says handing me the bucket

"Thanks." I said

"You really gonna let Gally banish the both of you?" He asks

"If that's what he wants then he'll get it." I said

"You can't be serious, I know you don't give up that easily." He says

"I know but maybe this is what the creators want." I said

"Exactly. This is what they want. They want us dead but we're gonna prove them wrong because we can't suffer more then we are right now." Newt says

"Just get back to work Newt." I said getting back to work

"Whatever. I'd make a move before we leave if I were you." He says

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"About Thomas? You know he likes you right?" He says smirking

"He does?" I say surprised

"Oh my gosh your just like him." He says

"No I'm not. Besides, I don't like him." I said

"That's exactly what he said but then at the end he admitted it that he likes you. So, I know you like him you don't have to lie about it." He said

"Ok fine. I do like him so what?" I said

"Your face is turning so red right now." Newt says laughing

"Shut up." I said

The afternoon rolls around and Gally ties my hands together and does the same thing with Thomas.

"This is a big waste of time." Gally says

"Then if you didn't do this it wouldn't be a big waste of time now would it?" I talked back

"Shut up and get in the Maze." He says.

"No-" Thomas starts but then something unexpected happens

All four doors start to close and everything goes back to normal. At least that's what gonna happen for now

"What?" I say

"How is this possible?" Thomas asks as confused as I am

"Ugh. Untie them, and everyone get back to whatever you were doing." Gally orders

"Hey Gabriella, can I talk to you?" Thomas asks

"Sure." I said

We walk over to our hut so we can talk alone

"What'd you wanna talk about?" I ask

"Something. The guys are telling me that you like me. Is that true?" He asks

"Wait, they told you that I liked you? They told me that you like me. Is that true?" I ask

"Well, yea but I never said anything." He said

"I like you too but I didn't wanna say anything cause I thought they weren't being serious." I said

"Well, at least now we know we like each other." He says

"True." I said

"When are we gonna get out of here?" I ask

"Soon. We aren't staying here forever." He says

"I hope not. I gotta get back to work. Later Thomas." I said before leaving the hut

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