Part 1: The Council

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Foolish Junior ran into the room.

It wasn't his favourite room because he didn't always understand what the adults were saying and it was shouting a lot of the time.

But the room was HUGE and there were windows that showed most of the country, most of it lost beyond the horizon.

Foolish Junior ran up to hide behind Uncle Tubbo's big chair where his dad and aunt Nikki stood beside him.

Foolish Junior poked his head out from behind the chair.

He saw all of the other council members.



God of Creation, leader of the whole country, the DreamSMP, he is known to be the most concealed member of the council.

Brother of Foolish and Drista, cousin of Tubbo. Uncle of Foolish Junior.



Angel of Destruction, Dreams General, if Dream weren't there to keep her calm she would have gone insane and destroyed the entire country after the death of her closest friend.

Sister of Dream and Foolish, cousin of Tubbo. Aunt of Foolish Junior.




God of Fire, leader of Kinoko Kingdom, is a new member on the council and the loudest shouter.

Son of Badboyhalo and Skeppy.
Married to Karl and Quackity.



Angel of Nature, Sapnaps right hand man, has a weird relationship with Dream, built most of Kinoko Kingdom with Foolish.

Awesamdude is his guardian.


Karl Jacobs

Angel of time, Sapnaps General, has memory loss and often forgets where he is or who he is.

Related to...?
Married to Quackity and Sapnap.




God of Luck, leader of Las Navidas, not entirely stable but is brutal.

Married to Sapnap and Karl



Angel of Joy, right hand man of Quackity, is kind, caring and playful.

No relations



Angel of Hiding, Quackitys General, is never seen outside of council meetings.

No relations.




God of Kindness, leader of the Badlands, loves to bake, especially with Nikki.

Married to Skeppy, Father of Sapnap

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