Part 2: Code Black

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"CODE BLACK" Jack Manifold cried as he burst through the door, Michael, Shroud and Yogurt running in behind him giggling.


"What on earth is a code black Jack?" Mark asked from behind the counter.

"Yeah big man we never made a code black" Tommy added, drinking some Coke Cola.

"Well ya dumb ones if ya add it up what's a code orange?" He asked, annoyed.

"OH I KNOW THAT ONE, it means the authority's are on their way!" Connor shouted from his table, waking HBomb and Callahan.

"Great work Connor your absolutely brilliant!" Jack praised him.

"What's a code red?!"

"An Angel is on their way?" Tommy answered, realising it as the words left his lips.

"Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea, a God is on its way!" Mark cried, grabbing his and Tommy's masks and throwing it to him and placing his on aswell.

Hbomb got up out of his seat stumbling, clearly hungover and tired.

"Details" he ordered.


"He was stupid and now the gods coming here" Jack told him.

Hbomb sighed and stormed towards the stairs.

"Toms, kids come with me, I'll secure everyone in their rooms while you go inform Puffy alright Tommy?"

"Yessir" Tommy saluted, herding the giggling children towards the stairs.

They all ran up the stairs, Hbomb going  around and knocking on the doors, informing the people inside of the situation.

Tommy opened the door for the kids' room then closed it, running down the hallway to Puffys room.

He knocked rapidly on the door.


It was a few moments before the door opened up and a messy haired Puffy.

"What time is it?" She asked drowsily.

"I don't know but there is a god on its way" he replied stepping out of the way so she could walk past.

Her eyes widened and then she sighed.

"Damnit" she said before retreating back to her room and then coming back out with her sheep mask on and hair tied up.

She walked past Tommy but when she noticed that he was following her she turned to him.

"Tommy, I need you to keep your mask on at all times and the stay with the kids alright?" She ordered.

Tommy nodded and raced towards room 12 while Puffy went downstairs.

20 minutes prior

It seemed pretty calm.

Actually he lied there.

This place is a hell hole.

Tubbo walked through the streets, looking around at the chaos surrounding him.

Sure there were people laughing and chatting.

But there were fights and people begging.

People just eating food at a restaurant where you could get salmonella.

Shady people glaring at him.

The neon lights filling the dark street didn't make the place look any better.

He finally saw something that was slightly comforting.

About ten or so children running around the street playing tag.

A shop drew his attention, it being brighter then all the rest it drew him in like a moth.

A man with blue and red glasses slapped his friend on the shoulder and walked away, trying to round some kids up.

Tubbo came up to the friend and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey there kiddo what can I do for ya?" The man said, he looked fairly friendly despite most of his face being covered by a red and yellow face mask.

His friend on the other side of him did not look as so, he had green furry skin and a gas mask covering his face and he glared down at his meal.

"Sorry to interrupt sir but do you know a good place I could stay in?" Tubbo asked politely, noticing the man with the green fur slipped away.

"Are you mad? Certainly you would know the greatest place to stay at is the SBI Motel!" He replied.

"Oh yeah, I just forgot..?" Tubbo lied sheepishly.

"Well my friend over there lives there so you could get a good reference from him" the man pointed to the one with the red and blue glasses, who now looking over at his friend with a shocked and scared expression.

Tubbo walked up to him.

"Hi there, my names Toby, could you perhaps give me some directions towards the SBI Motel?" He asked politely.

The man took a while to answer, he seemed to be frozen in place.

"I-um P-Ponk can tell you" he stuttered before picking up one kid and two others following him as he hurried off.

Tubbo turned back to Ponk who shrugged, then gave him the directions.

The man with green fur came back and dragged Ponk away as Tubbo said goodbye.

Tubbo strolled on to the Motel, following the directions he was given.

Not noticing the figure with pink hair following him in the background.

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